Was the candidate able to discuss details of Abraham

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Reference no: EM133108343

Support Independence and Wellbeing


Part 1: Individualised Support

Briefly describe the basic principles of person-centred practice in the context of individualised support planning and delivery.

Briefly describe the basic principles of strength-centred practice in the context of individualised support planning and delivery.

Briefly describe the basic principles of active support in the context of individualised support planning and delivery.

The following are examples of recording and reporting documents used in the care service industry.

Briefly describe the process involved in completing these documents, and provide a brief explanation why completing these documents as needed is an important part of your role as a care worker.

Document Process Rationale
Progress Notes            
Incident Reports            

Identify the roles and responsibilities of the following people in the provision of care to an ageing client.
In the column for Role, indicate the title of people (eg. nurse, doctor, wife, patient).
In the column for Responsibility:
a. identify the responsibilities of each role
b. describe how information is communicated between roles.

Role Responsibility
carers and family            
person being supported            
health professionals            
care workers            

Describe the following service delivery models in aged care.

6.1 Residential care      
6.2 Respite care      
6.3 Home and community care      

Consider the standards of service delivery models in the aged care sector.
List two standards of residential aged care as set by Accreditation Standards.
List two standards of home care as set by Home Care Common Standards.

7.1 Residential care      
7.2 Home and community care      

Briefly explain how the following legal and ethical requirements are applied in the care service industry.
Guidance: Include how it is implemented by care service organisations and individual workers

privacy, confidentiality and disclosure      
duty of care      
dignity of risk      
human rights      
mandatory reporting      
work role boundaries - responsibilities and limitations      

List two examples of factors that affect the older people requiring support.

List two examples of practices that support skill maintenance and development for direct care workers.

The following are typical conditions experienced by an aged care client that requires special care and support. Describe possible indicators that these care and support needs are not met, and ways you can respond as a care worker to address these needs.

Condition Indicators of unmet care needs Ways to respond to unmet needs
Hearing difficulties            

The following are major risks typically encountered in aged care facilities. Describe ways care workers/care providers can respond to these risks.

Risks Ways to respond to these risks
Manual handling injuries      
Resident aggression      

Part 2: Independence and Wellbeing

Provide a brief description of each of the following basic human needs.

1.1 physical      
1.2 psychological      
1.3 spiritual      
1.4 cultural      
1.5 sexual      

Explain briefly the concept of self-actualisation as it relates to aged care.

Describe the following stages of human development across the lifespan.

Life Stages Description
3.1 Infancy      
3.2 Early childhood      
3.3 Preschool age      
3.4 School age      
3.5 Adolescence      
3.6 Early adulthood      
3.7 Adulthood      
3.8 Maturity      

Describe the following aspects of wellbeing.

Aspects of wellbeing Description
4.1 Physical      
4.2 Psychological      
4.3 Social      
4.4 Spiritual      
4.5 Cultural      
4.6 Financial      
4.7 Career/Professional      

Consider the individual differences among people.
Briefly discuss how these individual differences are interrelated.
Briefly discuss how these individual differences may impact the provision of support.

Provide a brief description of the following basic requirements for good health of an older individual.

Requirements for good health How it applies to older individuals
6.1 mental health      
6.2 nutrition and hydration      
6.3 exercise      
6.4 hygiene      
6.5 lifestyle      
6.6 oral health      

The following are common mental health issues encountered by older individuals. List relevant risk factors and protective factors for each.

Mental health issues Risk factors Protective factors
7.1 Depression            
7.2 Dementia            

Describe possible signs of abuse for each of the types of abuse listed below:

Types of abuse Indications of neglect or abuse
19.1 Physical abuse      
19.2 Physical neglect      
19.3 Sexual abuse      
19.4 Psychological abuse      
19.5 Financial abuse      

Outline the responsibilities of service providers in relation to compulsory reporting of assaults on older people, as set by the Aged Care Act 1997.

Briefly describe the Age Cared Funding Instrument (ACFI) and Residential Care Subsidy funding model.

Briefly describe the National Disability Insurance scheme funding model.

Briefly describe the Home Care Subsidy as a funding model.

List two examples of issues that can impact the health and wellbeing of older individuals.

Myths and stereotypes of ageing and older people:
List three examples of stereotypes or "myth-conceptions" about older people and the ageing process.
Briefly describe how these stereotypes impacts community values and attitudes towards the ageing population.

List three examples of issues surrounding sexuality and sexual expression in older people.

List three examples of indicators of emotional concerns and issues in older people.

Consider the support strategies, resources, and networks made available for the older people:
List two general resources on Aged Support and Services for the elderly in Australia.
List two examples of support services funded by the Commonwealth that directly or indirectly help and support the aged population.
List two examples of Non-Government Sector Associations and Organisations that provide a large range of services and support to the elderly.

Part 3: Healthy Body Systems

Consider how the body maintains or regulates the body temperature.
Briefly explain how the body regulates temperature.
Briefly explain how the regulation of body temperature is affected by ageing.

Consider how the body regulates fluid and electrolyte balance.
Briefly explain how the body regulates fluid and electrolyte, including pH, balance.
Briefly explain how the regulation of fluid and electrolyte balance is affected by ageing.

Briefly explain how the body eliminates these wastes.

Briefly explain how the body regulates blood pressure.

Briefly explain how the body protects itself from infection.

Briefly describe how much physical activity is recommended for older people to support the body's healthy functioning.

Briefly describe how active and passive exercise can be applied for elderly clients.


Case Study 1: Abraham Chatzkel

Abraham Chatzkel is a new client at Lotus Compassionate Care. Abraham never married and has no kids of his own. Before moving to the centre, Abraham stayed with his niece, Abigail, her husband, Jacob, and their two daughters, Aliya and Amira.
Abigail is a stay-at-home mother, taking care of Abraham and her two kids. Abigail's husband accepted a job in New York and moved there with the rest of family. Abraham did not want to move to New York with them and prefers to spend the rest of his life in Australia, where he has spent the most of his life.

Due to the distance and the time difference, all communications between the centre and the family are done via phone call or email.

Scenario 1: Abraham's Care Plan
After reviewing Abraham's care plan, you've determined that there are several aspects of the plan that are outside the scope of your role as a care worker.

What is your role in implementing Abraham's individual care plan?

What aspects of the care plan are beyond the scope of your role? List at least two.

Which parts of the care plan do you recommend to be reviewed and revised?

Role Play Task 1
The aim of this role playing activity is to allow you to demonstrate your skills in:
communicating with your supervisor specific issues relating to your work role

You will be playing the role of a care worker working in Lotus Compassionate Care, assigned to provide care and support to Abraham.
To complete this task, you will need access to:
a video recorder
a volunteer:
one volunteer to play the role of your supervisor

With a volunteer to play the role of your supervisor, simulate a conversation with your supervisor clarifying your role in the implementation of Abraham's care plan.

To document your completion of this task, and to allow your assessor to evaluate your performance, you are required to submit a video recording of this role play conversation.

Was the candidate able to clarify his/her own role in implementing Abraham's care plan?

Was the candidate able to seek appropriate support for aspects of the care plan that are outside of his/her job role?

Was the candidate able to discuss aspects of the care plan that might need to be reviewed?

Scenario 2: Abraham Feels Down

Abraham is an avid reader of books. Abigail promised Abraham that she will send him new books every couple of weeks so Abraham can continue to enjoy his love for reading.

Two months later, Abraham still has not received any letters or books from Abigail. You tried giving him books from the centre's library but he refused them. He told you that he does not want to read books anymore.

Slowly, you noticed changes in Abraham's disposition. You noticed that he appears withdrawn, and rarely interacts with the other residents and care workers in the centre.

In the morning, as you were about to help him get ready for his morning walk, he very sadly tells you that he does not want to take a walk, and he just wants to go back to sleep, hoping he does not wake up anymore.
When you asked him why he feels this way, he tells you that he thinks his family has already forgotten about him, and he wishes to just stop waking up in the morning. He further asks you if you could just give him "too much" pain medication so all of his pain will go away.

Based on the scenario provided above, list two signs of additional or unmet needs of the Abraham:

Based on the scenario provided above, identify risk/s in Abraham's behaviour that are beyond your scope of knowledge, skills and job role, which should prompt you to seek support from your supervisor.

Using the template on below, complete the log on Abraham's client progress notes:

Role Play Task 2

The aim of this role play activity is to allow you to demonstrate your skills in:
communicating with your client's family and carers about the care provided to your client
You will be playing the role of a care worker working in Lotus Compassionate Care, assigned to provide care and support to Abraham.
To complete this task, you will need access to:
a video recorder
a volunteer:
one volunteer to play the role of Abigail, Abraham's niece

You've spoken to your supervisor about Abraham's situation. The centre contacted Abigail and let her know that Abraham has been feeling very sad about not having any news from his family. Abigail was very surprised and explained that she's been very busy but has been sending letters and books to Abraham the past two months. She was very worried about Abraham and scheduled a trip to the centre the following week. Abigail also wanted to speak with you personally, as she knows you provide direct client care to Abraham.

With a volunteer (to play the role of Abigail), simulate a conversation with Abigail to talk about Abraham, his care, and any questions Abigail might have about Abraham's conditions.

To ensure that the scenario provides you the opportunity to demonstrate the skills required for this task, use the following talking points in your role play:

Questions to be asked by Abigail
How is Abraham? How is he adjusting in the centre? Can you tell me what his days have been typically like?
Janet (care manager) said he hasn't been getting out of his bed. Could this be because his cancer is getting worse?
Janet also mentioned that Abraham may be having suicidal thoughts. How will I deal with that when I go talk to him? Should I bring it up or should I just act like everything is normal?
He used to have a lot of pain and discomfort with his arthritis. How is he managing that now?
Points of discussion to be raised by you as Abraham's direct care provider:
Changes in Abraham's behaviour, and other relevant concerns (you must correctly identify these and share it with Abigail)
Offer advice and suggest available support services for Abraham's depression and suicidal thoughts (research on available support services, internally or otherwise)
To document your completion of this task, and to allow your assessor to evaluate your performance, you are required to submit a video recording of this role play conversation. Save your video file using the filename: Subject 1-RP2. Submit this video file along with this workbook to your Assessor.

Scenario 3: The Case of Antonio Iglesias
Abraham shares his room in the centre with Antonio Iglesias. He is originally from Spain. He loves listening to classic Latin music, and watching soccer on TV. They often have their radio and TV on Antonio's favourite Latin channels. As Antonio got older, he became more and more nostalgic about his motherland and cannot stop talking about Spain-the food, the people, and the places. Antonio is very friendly. He loves to share stories about his adventures in Spain when he was younger. Antonio is also a devout Catholic and a very conservative man.

On the other hand, although Abraham was born in Israel, he has spent most of his life in Australia, and cannot relate to Antonio feeling home sick. Unlike Antonio, Abraham is a very quiet and calm-natured man. He likes to keep to himself, read books, or write on his journal.

Abraham has always been openly gay. Abraham still keeps a photo of his late partner, Kevin, on his nightstand. This makes Antonio feel uncomfortable. He often ends up preaching to Abraham about the sins of being gay and its consequences according to the bible

Briefly describe the social, cultural and spiritual differences between Abraham and Antonio.

Briefly describe possible support activities you could recommend to Abraham to address the following needs.

social needs      
cultural needs      
spiritual needs      

Role Play Task 3

The aim of this role play activity is to allow you to demonstrate your skills in:
communicating with your elderly clients
You will be playing the role of a care worker working in Lotus Compassionate Care, assigned to provide care and support to Abraham.
To complete this task, you will need access to:
a video recorder
a volunteer:
one volunteer to play the role of Abraham

One afternoon, Abraham confided with you that he does not like sharing a room with Antonio.
With a volunteer (to play the role of Abraham), simulate a conversation with Abraham to talk about his concerns.
To ensure that the scenario provides you the opportunity to demonstrate the skills required for this task, use the following talking points in your role play:
Questions to be asked by Abraham:
Do you believe I will go to hell for being gay?
Should I just put away Kevin's photo to get Antonio off my back?
Lately I've been thinking a lot about joining Kevin in the afterlife. I know this would make Abigail very sad. Is there anyone I can talk to about these thoughts I'm having?
Guidance: When responding to this question, make sure to emphasise the importance of using available support whenever he feels it is required
Points of discussion to be raised by the you as Abraham's direct care provider:
Seek Abraham's feedback on specific aspects of his care plan that he wishes to be reviewed by the supervisor/care manager and updated to better fit his needs.
Guidance: Review Abraham's care plan and find opportunities for Abraham to participate in his self-care activities that will help him feel empowered and independent, as well as help him divert his attention away from his issues with Antonio and towards more positive and productive activities.
Suggest support activities that would help keep Abraham focused on positive experiences. (activities should reflect Abraham's physical, social, cultural and spiritual needs)
Guidance: Choose activities that will provide Abraham opportunities to utilise his strengths; do this by helping Abraham identify and acknowledge his own strengths and self-care capacity, and choosing activities together based on this
Encourage Abraham to participate in social, cultural and spiritual activities; consider the activities you've listed in question (8).
Apart from the suggested support activities, also provide information on the existing and potential new networks that are available for Abraham to join with.
In the course of your discussion with Abraham, make sure you allow him to provide feedback and input in managing the delivery of their care
Guidance: Seek his opinion in the different options you provide and let him select what he finds best for his needs
To document your completion of this task, and to allow your assessor to evaluate your performance, you are required to submit a video recording of this role play conversation. Save your video file using the filename: Subject 1-RP3. Submit this video file along with this workbook to your Assessor.
Take note that your assessor will be evaluating you against the following criteria:

Did the candidate respond to Abraham in a manner that is respectful and accommodating of Abraham's expression of identity and sexuality?

Was the candidate able to discuss details of Abraham's care plan and suggest activities that could help Abraham divert his attention to more positive experiences?

Did the candidate suggest appropriate support activities that reflect Abraham's personality and needs, and encouraged him to participate in these activities?

Did the candidate provide Abraham correct information about available support services to help him regarding his suicidal thoughts?

Did the candidate provide Abraham information on existing and potential new networks available for him?

Did the candidate provide Abraham support that allows him to manage the delivery of his care

Case Study 2: Judith Comet

Judith has been staying in the centre the past 4 years.
Judith has 4 children. All of them have their own families, and are currently staying in different states across Australia. They have decided to place Judith in a home after she's been diagnosed with stage IV colon cancer 4 years ago. Having cancer at such an advanced stage at Judith's age, she was thought to have at least only a year to live. She was always in a lot of pain, and required regular and constant assistance to complete activities of daily living. It was clear that the family were unable to meet Judith's needs, as it was becoming too difficult for them to take care of her.
They decided to place Judith in the care of Lotus Compassionate Care hoping that it will provide her with a more comfortable environment, with all the professional support she needs to ease the symptoms, pain, physical stress, and mental stress brought about by her condition for the remainder of her life.

Scenario 1: The Reunion

Judith has been in your care since she arrived in the centre. However, the last two months, you have been away on a holiday.

On your first day back, as you and another care worker were about to hoist her from the bed and onto her wheelchair, you noticed that Judith has sore, purple discolored and painful spots about 8cm across on both her shoulders, and a smaller one about 3cm across on the back side of her head.

When she was on her side, you saw some bleeding through her pants and on the bed sheets from the upper part of her buttocks. It appears it has not been checked for at least a day or two. Her bed sheets were stained and smelled of faeces and urine. She looked in pain. You asked her if you could check what's causing her pain. You found that she had an open wound about 2cm across and the skin surrounding it was very red and discolored. Judith cringed in pain as you gently assessed the condition of her skin. When you talked with another care worker, you discovered that Judith has had no bowel movement for two (2) days and has been experiencing painful urination.

You later found out that she has not been out of her bed. You asked her why she has not gone out of her bed, and she told you that she's just been feeling too tired lately and going out just takes too much effort. She asked you if she could just stay in bed and rest today. You noticed that she seems withdrawn. You also noticed that she's lost a lot of weight since the last time you saw her about two months ago.

List two examples of changes in Judith's physical condition that must be reported to the supervisors.

Explain how these physical conditions are affecting Judith's wellbeing.

According to Lotus Compassionate Care's Policies and Procedures, you are required to report to your supervisor and/or care manager should you note any of the following:
Changes in your client's physical condition and how it is affecting their wellbeing
Changes in your client's wellbeing
Required care/support that are beyond the scope of your role
According to Lotus Compassionate Care's policies, you are required to document this in the client's progress notes.

According to Lotus Compassionate Care's Policies and Procedures, you are required to complete an Incident Report when you notice the following injuries, incidents or ‘near misses' to the supervisor for hazard identification and control.
According to Lotus Compassionate Care's policies, you are required to document this in the Incident Report Form.

Scenario 2: Nurse Naja

Judith asked you if you can get medication to help her with the pain. She started feeling pain on her buttocks and both shoulders two days ago but did not tell anyone until you were back from your medical leave. When you asked her why she did not tell anyone about it, she said she did not want to bother the nurse.
This made you worry about Judith and asked her if there was anything else that was bothering her. You found out that she has not had any bowel movement in two days, and urinating has started to become painful for her.
She asked if you can clean her wounds and give her pain medication. You explained to her that although you would love to help her, you are not qualified to perform those procedures on clients.
You checked her care plan and found that her nurse's name is Naja Nielsson. You explained to Judith that Registered Nurse Naja Nielsson would be the best person to clean her wounds and help her manage her pain with medication as prescribed by her doctor.
Judith appeared worried when you mentioned the nurse's name. She hesitantly tells you that the pain is gone and she feels fine. She tells you she does not need the pain medication anymore.

List two aspects of the scenario that describe physical health situations that are beyond your scope of support as a care worker:

List three possible signs of abuse and neglect from the given scenario. Indicate whether the signs you've listed are signs of abuse, neglect or both.

Following Lotus Compassionate Care's relevant policies and procedures complete the incident report form provided below.

Scenario 3: Getting Back on Track

Identify the hazards in the given scenario. Following Lotus Compassionate Care's relevant policies and procedures, file a hazard report using the form below:

Role Play Task 4

The aim of this role play activity is to allow you to demonstrate your skills in:
Ensuring your client is aware of their rights and complaints procedures

You will be playing the role of a care worker working in Lotus Compassionate Care, assigned to provide care and support to Judith.
To complete this task, you will need access to:
A video recorder
A volunteer:
one volunteer to play the role of Judith

After hearing Judith's stories, and seeing her injuries, it was clear to you that she has been physically and verbally abused by registered nurse Naja. However, Judith is too frightened to let anyone know about it, or file any formal complaints.
With a volunteer (to play the role of Judith), simulate a conversation with Judith to talk about her rights and options to filing a complaint.
To ensure that the scenario provides you the opportunity to demonstrate the skills required for this task, use the following talking points in your role play:
Points of discussion to be raised by you as Judith's direct care provider:
Talk to Judith about her rights in a manner that will encourage and maintain her trust
Discuss her options for filing complaints

Case Study 3: Maximilian Mills

Maximilian Mills, or Max, is new at the centre. He was placed in the centre by his second wife, Marcia. Max's 1st wife passed away from cancer two and a half years ago. Max met Marcia, now 45 years old, a year later and got married soon after.
Max had a boating accident shortly after their wedding. He had a hip replacement surgery and is still recovering. The doctor advised that Max should still be able to walk again with proper therapy. Max remains positive and hopeful to get back on his feet so he can come home to his wife again.
Max was placed in the care of Lotus Compassionate Care after he was released from the hospital. Marcia feels Max would receive better care and support in the centre than at home with her.
Max never had any children from his first marriage. Marcia is his only remaining family.

Scenario 1: The First Visit

It has been two months since Max arrived at the centre, and Marcia has not yet visited since. One morning Marcia arrived in the centre to visit Max. She was carrying with her a basket of pastries and a file folder.
The following day, you noticed Max staring blankly out his window and looking very sad. You asked if he was okay.
Max explained that he was feeling sad because Marcia wants to sell their house in the country to move to a smaller house in the city. She says she is feeling lonely by herself in the big house and cannot take care of it on her own. Marcia told Max that if they sell their house, and move to a smaller house, they will be able to afford a private nurse so Max can stay home with her again. Marcia further suggested that if Max does not want to sell the house, Marcia will move to Darwin to live with her sister as she "simply cannot stay in that big, old house by herself anymore".
Max does not want to sell their house. He grew up in that house. But at the same time he wants to come home with Marcia. And he does not want Marcia to move to Darwin.
Marcia will be back next week for Max's decision, and it is putting a lot of stress on Max. You often catch him sitting quietly in a corner and staring blankly into space. There were also several times you've heard him talking to himself, weighing the pros and the cons of selling the house. This predicament is obviously putting a lot of emotional and psychological stress on Max.
Although Max still tries to be cheerful and funny when you are around, you see him by himself more and more often, instead of watching TV with the other residents or playing chess with his roommate, like he usually enjoys doing. This has also made his roommate, Bobby worry about him. Bobby asked if you could talk to Max about his problems.

Identify one possible risk to Max's mental health brought about by his situation:

List two examples of protective factors for mental health present in the provided scenario:

List two examples of cultural or financial issues that may impact on Max's wellbeing:
Scenario 2: Back on His Feet

Max decided that he will not sell his house. Max promised himself that he will religiously follow his therapy, and will dedicate his time making sure he is able to walk again.

The doctor stressed the importance of not over-exerting his affected hip, and making sure that he follows a healthy pace during these physical therapy sessions. Max is prescribed to have his physical therapy at a maximum of an hour per session, two sessions per day, and with a minimum interval of 2 to 3 hours of rest.

During his spare time, Max is allowed to do other mild exercises as long as they do not put strain on his legs. Other than the hip surgery, Max does not have other medical conditions.

Looking after your client's wellbeing is a key aspect of your role as a care giver. This also includes recognising and promoting ways to support your client's health.

Research different ways Max can help improve his recovery other than exercising. List three different things Max can do to supplement his physical therapy and exercise regime.

Three things Max can do to supplement his physical therapy and exercise regime

How will these activities promote healthy functioning of the body, and support his fast recovery?

Attachment:- Support Independence and Wellbeing.rar

Reference no: EM133108343

Questions Cloud

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