Was it perceived as unfair by the people of the time

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Reference no: EM133737244


Was it fair for such a small and homogenous group to write the governing document for a diverse nation? Was it perceived as unfair by the people of the time? Why would a document written by "the 1%" be so successful?

Reference no: EM133737244

Questions Cloud

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Was it perceived as unfair by the people of the time : Was it fair for such a small and homogenous group to write the governing document for a diverse nation? Was it perceived as unfair by the people of the time?
Was it perceived as unfair by the people of the time : Was it fair for such a small and homogenous group to write the governing document for a diverse nation? Was it perceived as unfair by the people of the time?
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What is the ideal role of a woman in ancient greece : What are her limitations? Are any roles off limits or frowned upon for Ancient Greek women, and why?


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