Was ethical permission granted for the study

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133439872

Questions: Critique "Using Margaret Newman's Health as Expanding Consciousness to Explore Pediatric Nurses' Pattern Recognition Process" Writing style - Is the report well written - concise, grammatically correct, avoids the use of jargon? Is it well laid out and organized? Answer- 2. Author- Does the researcher's qualifications/position indicate a degree of knowledge in this field? Answer- 3. Title- Is the title clear, accurate and unambiguous? Answer- 4. Abstract- Does the abstract offer a dear overview of the study, including the research problem, sample, methodology, findings and recommendations. Answer- 5. Statement of the Phenomenon of interest- is the phenomenon to be studied dearly identified? Are the phenomenon of interest and the research question consistent? Answer- 6. Purpose/significance of the study - References Is the purpose of the study/research question clearly identified? Answer- 7. Literature review - Has a literature review been undertaken? Does it meet the philosophical underpinnings of the study? Does the review of the literature fulfil its objectives? Answer- 8. Theoretical framework- Has a conceptual or theoretical Framework been identified? Is the framework adequately described? Is the framework appropriate? Answer- 9. Method and philosophical underpinnings - Has the philosophical approach been identified? Why was this approach chosen? Have the philosophical underpinnings of the approach been explained? Answer- 10. Sample- Is the sampling method and sample size identified? Is the sampling method appropriate? Were the participants suitable for informing research? Answer- 11. Ethical considerations/ recommendations- Were the participants fully informed about the nature of the research? Was the autonomy/confidentiality of the participants guaranteed? Were the participants protected from harm? Was ethical permission granted for the study? Answer- Data collection/data analysis- Are the data collection strategies described? Are the strategies used to analyze the data described? Did the researcher follow the steps of the data analysis method identified? Was data saturation achieved? Answer- 12. Rigor- Does the researcher discuss how rigor was assured? Were credibility, dependability, transferability and goodness discussed? Answer- 13. Findings/discussion- Are the findings presented appropriately? Has the report been placed in the context of what was already known of the phenomenon? Has the original purpose of the study been adequately addressed? Answer- 14. Conclusions/implications - Are the importance and implications of the findings identified? Are recommendations made to suggest how the research findings can be developed? Answer- 15. References- Were all the books, journals and other media alluded to in the study accurately referenced? Answer-

Reference no: EM133439872

Questions Cloud

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Was ethical permission granted for the study : Were all the books, journals and other media alluded to in the study accurately referenced? Was ethical permission granted for the study
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