Warning label indicates awareness of product.

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Reference no: EM13147179

Warning label indicates awareness of product. Government needs to give aware every citizen of USA. Not everyone has the time or interest to read labels as they are quickly trying to get their shopping done after a long day. But seeing a quick warning disclaimer on the front of a product might make you think twice before deciding to buy. Warning labels will give them caution or make them to think before they buy it. The Government should put warning labels to educate people and to improve the health of the average American citizen.
Having warning labels gives education to shopper. Most people have a general understanding of what is healthy and what isn't. Example, If you're a label-reader like I am, i know how to spot the foods and bad prodcut to avoid and the ones that can easily be used into a healthy diet. I try to avoid foods that have tons of ingredients on the label, especially when most of them are things I don't even know how to pronounce. But not everyone has the time or interest to investigate what is in the foods they are eating. They take a quick look at the label and if it sounds generally healthy ("made with whole grains", "natural"), then the package goes into their shopping cart. they'd be less-likely to eat unhealthy junk foods if they came with a warning label. Moreover, kids cant figure it. the children can't identify vegetables, there is clearly an education issue. Adults and children alike need to be taught about nutrition. If childrens and adults can identify the specific details, it will be much easier to buy any product. Therfore, having warning labels education is very important for both kids and adults.
Warning lebel needed to improve health of american citizen. When Corporations put warning on labels on their products it helps to improve the health of the average American citizen, which has been slowly decaying away in the past decades. Example, There is no justified reason for corporations to not put up these warning labels as it shows they may have something to hide. Lately, there are many bad chemicals have been added to all sorts of foods that are available to anyone in super markets. The least they could do is warn the public about what they're about to put into their bodies. Moreover, Warning labels on foods would be a good thing, just like they benefit any situation. People don't seem to complain about warning labels on electrical equipment because the labels are there for the consumer's own safety. Warning labels should be available on all foods so that consumers can get an accurate description of what they are buying and how it will affect their health, whether positively or negatively.
conclusion.__ need help
Warning labels educate people and improve health of the average american citizen. If warning labels avilable , one's can easily spot the right amount of food.,,,? need help here in conclusion.

Reference no: EM13147179

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