Walmart has revolutionize the edi & the use of rf-id tags

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Reference no: EM13825340

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                                                                                                          Intermodalism Technology

The days of picking up a phone and calling to order a product is almost of heard of today.  Today most ordering is done on line using new technology known as Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Big distribution centers are using this technology to fill their orders.  For example I can go on line to and order some speakers.  After my order I get a receipt cent to me via e-mail or text.  Once I complete my order the inter modal transportation is triggered.  A truck is dispatched to pick up my product and  deliver it to the local stores nearest my address.  Sometimes the process is started from an international or a state that is thousands of mile away.  Computers are able to track cargo and it's mode of transportation using RF-ID Tag

Walmart has revolutionize the EDI & the use of RF-ID tags.   Here's something that Walmart is currently working on:  Walmart to add RF-ID tags to individual items, freak out privacy advocates (2010) "As of now, there's limited consumer-facing benefit to tracking pallets in transit, but a Wall Street Journal report suggests that Wally World will be placing radio-frequency ID tags on individual clothes. The initiative is slated to kick off next month, and it's expected to help apparel managers know when certain sizes and colors are depleted and need to be restocked". This is why Walmart is leading in innovation among other retail giants. 

I was 1st introduce to RF-ID tags in 2005 when I deployed to Iraq.  These tags were placed on each piece of equipment and could be read from a inter website.  This great technology, but i'm sure RF-ID tags have much more to offer, just you wait and see 

Walmart to add RF-ID tags to individual items, freak out privacy advocates (2010). . New York: Newstex. Retrieved from


Reference no: EM13825340

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