Reference no: EM132924649
- For DCF valuation, you need to use the attached Patties Foods template. In doing the DCF valuation, you need to take out leases from NPPE for 2020, as there was an accounting rule change in 2020.
- Also, note that leases are included in debt in 2020 due to accounting changes, so you need to take the leases out in your analysis.
- You have not shown WACC calculation, you need to add this analysis. You need to take out leases from debt in 2020 when doing the WACC calculations.
- You have not done comparable valuation, so you need to do this analysis
- For the synergy analysis, use the DCF method --- you need to make your analysis simple and clear so I can follow. I am unable to follow what you have submitted, and therefore you will not receive any mark for this analysis.
P. 14 -15
DCF valuation incorrect.
Use the template I have provided.
Unable to follow synergy analysis.
Comparable valuation missing.
You need to redo the whole of Part B, and do it properly.
Attachment:- COMMENTS.rar