W4 members tend to be programmers

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM1330102

You have been loaned to a non-profit organization, World-Wide Webmasters' Webbies (the W4). W4 members tend to be programmers with a smattering of graphic artists and performance practitioners among them. Their goal is rebrand their membership as HPT practitioners. Think about the way that the programmers and graphic artists that you know have learned their craft and think about what you know about professional organizations. What is the most likely cognitive approach of this organization and how will that impact your analysis and reporting?

Reference no: EM1330102

Questions Cloud

What is meant by the term strategic fit : What is meant by the term strategic fit? What are the advantages of pursuing strategic fit in choosing which industries to diversify into?
How to calculate and display the total retail value : A mail order house sells five different products whose retail prices are: product 1 - $150, product 2 - $250, product 3 - $500, product 4 - $300, and product 5 - $350.
Difference among cost-push and demand-pull inflation : Illustrtae what is the difference among cost-push and demand-pull inflation.
Case on change management : Check two sources of resistance to change in the Ajax Minerals exercise and explain how the organization dealt with each type of resistance.
W4 members tend to be programmers : You have been loaned to a non-profit organization, World-Wide Webmasters' Webbies (the W4). W4 members tend to be programmers with a smattering of graphic artists and performance practitioners among them.
Illustrtae what are the different incentives that investors : Illustrtae what are the different incentives that investors have to hold TIPS.
Show the employee cooperation in job analysis : Describe why it is important to gain employee cooperation before beginning a job analysis program.
Define its importance to developers : Based on the Businessline (2007) article, describe open source software and describe its importance to developers. Is all Java code open source? What effect may this situation have on distributing graphic-based interfaces.
Human resources development specialist : Describe your reasoning for why you will collect data in this way. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the different methods and Why would a human resources development specialist conduct a needs analysis?


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