Vitamin and mineral supplement

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133627001

Choose a vitamin/mineral supplement that you take or evaluate a popular one on the market (ex: Advocare MNS, Thorne Basic One, Centrum, Flintstones, Nature Made, etc). For this prompt I choose Natural Made as my vitamin. Answer the questions below: (Be sure to describe the vitamin/mineral (Nature Made).

1. Based on the recommended dosage, are there any individual vitamins or minerals for which the intake is greater than 100% of the Daily Value? List these vitamins and minerals.

2. How do the suggested intakes of the vitamins and minerals in the supplement compare with the current DRIs for these nutrients?

3. Are any suggested intakes above the Upper Levels for the nutrients? List, at most, three of these nutrients and the Upper Level for each.

4. Are there any non-nutrient ingredients, such as herbs or botanical extracts, in the supplement? If so, please list them. You often can find these by looking for ingredients that do not have a % Daily Value.

5. Does at least 25% to 50% of the vitamin A in the product come from beta-carotene or other provitamin A carotenoids (to reduce the risk of vitamin A toxicity)?

6. Are there any warnings on the label for individuals who should not consume this product? If so, what are they?

7. Are there any other signs that tip you off that this product may be more harmful than healthful? 8. Finally, is the product USP verified or 3rd party tested?

Reference no: EM133627001

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