Visualize the impact of the automation

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Reference no: EM132204335

Assignment - Sock Central


For this individual assignment, you will use skills acquired through practical laboratory exercises to automate a business process, and to visualize the impact of the automation.

You should use Microsoft Excel (or equivalent open-source software) for this assessment task.

Learning Outcomes

The following course learning outcomes are assessed by completing this assessment:

A1. Prepare a basic solution to a business problem;
A2. Select appropriate IT solutions for business functions;
A3. Apply business information software for data visualization and analysis purposes.
S1. Write basic programming logic;
S3. Interpret and construct representations of business data flow and processes;
K8. Outline the basic principles of programming.

Assessment Details
For this assignment, you will complete the following set of tasks using Excel, and build an ePortfolio page to describe your work.

Task 0 - Setting up
Create an ePortfolio page for your assignment. You will submit this page to Moodle as per the lab tasks.

Scenario details
Sock Central is a small clothing manufacturer, specializing in creating custom, one-of-a-kind socks. They exclusively sell their product through their online store.

Sock Central is run by a team of three staff members: Archie, Bhaljeet, and Chloe.

Archie and Bhaljeet work together to manufacture socks. Chloe manages orders, sales and delivery.

Team hours
Most of the time, team members work the following shifts:

Archie works 7.5 hours on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays; Bhaljeet works 7.5 hours on Thursdays and Fridays; and
Chloe works 4.5 hours every weekday.

Additionally, Archie and Chloe share responsibility for managing the Sock Central social media presence, with Archie working one extra hour in the evenings on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and Chloe doing the same on Thursday, Friday and Saturday.

Archie and Bhaljeet, as skilled manufacturing staff, cost $26 per hour to employ. Chloe, a part-time employee, costs $24 per hour to employ.
All staff are also entitled to four weeks of paid annual leave, during which a casual replacement is required at a cost of $39 per hour.

Fixed costs such as rent and insurance are $9100 per year, and utilities costs are $260 per month.

Task 1 - Costs of operating the business

Using Excel, create a spreadsheet called operating_costs.xlsx that calculates the projected annual outgoing costs of running Sock Central.

Your spreadsheet should be configured such that the working hours, hourly rates, and fixed and utility costs can be varied easily.

Document your findings in your ePortfolio page (approximately 100 words).

Manufacturing socks

Sock Central receive requests through their online store, and Chloe responds with a quote, after consulting with a member of the manufacturing team. If the customer confirms their order, Archie and Bhaljeet manufacture the ordered products, and Chloe organizes delivery.

Currently, the process for generating a quote is entirely subjective, based on the requested material and sock size. Staff members quote an amount based on their personal experience.

For several months, staff have been keeping track of the quote date, material, size, quote amount, and manufacturing cost for each order in a spreadsheet. As each product is hand-made, the manufacturing cost may vary between similar orders.

If a quote was not accepted by the customer, then manufacturing cost is not included. This spreadsheet is available for download on Moodle.

Task 2 - Order information
Using Excel, process the history of orders spreadsheet and use appropriate charts to visualize: How some aspect of quoting or manufacturing has changed over time; and

How the quote amount differed for each staff member.

You will need to find a way to use Excel to associate each quote with a staff member.

Describe your approach and your findings in your ePortfolio (approximately 250-400 words), and attach the Excel file to your page.

Task 3 - Price consistency

Using Excel, analyse the historical data you have available, and create a spreadsheet that allows a member of the Sock Central team to enter the sock material and size, and gives a quote amount.

Ensure that you include enough text and formatting to make your spreadsheet usable by a member of the Sock Central team (or by a University lecturer).

You may base your quote amount either on historical averages, or to ensure that Sock Central makes a profit.

Validate your quoting approach by applying your formula to historical data.

Justify your approach in your ePortfolio (approximately 150 words), and attach your Excel file to your ePortfolio.
Process improvement
The team want to improve their quoting process to reduce time spent waiting for customers to approve quotes.

They would like to start manufacturing immediately for orders that they might be able to sell in future, even if the customer does not go ahead with the order.

That is, they would like to change to the processes indicated in the following swimlane diagrams:

Task 4 - Process improvement

Extend your spreadsheet page from task 3 to automate the above processes, allowing a member of the team to enter the sock material and size, and in addition to the quote amount indicate whether to start manufacturing immediately.

It is up to you do determine how to determine which items are popular.

Justify your approach in your ePortfolio (approximately 150 words), and attach your Excel file to your ePortfolio.

Bonus challenge task

Disclaimer: This task is 100% optional, and you can receive full marks without attempting or completing it. It is intended to be a challenge if you are interested in such things, and the marks available do not reflect the significant research and effort required to implement it correctly. Tutors will not provide significant assistance for this challenge task.

Optional task 5

Reimplement Tasks 1, 3 and 4 using either Python or HTML+JavaScript.

Write a brief overview of how to run your solution, and attach a zip file containing your code to your ePortfolio page.

There are no partial marks awarded for this bonus task - you must complete all features to attain the bonus marks.

It is possible to attain full marks for this assignment without completing this challenge task.


Verified Expert

In this assignment I have studied for the old book shop.In this book shop there are three staff member are working and they are selling and purchasing book .Book cost is depends on the condition of the book.Here I have create the graph using excel and calculate the salary of three staff members.

Reference no: EM132204335

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Visualize the impact of the automation : Apply business information software for data visualization and analysis purposes - Create an ePortfolio page for your assignment
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What other treatment options are there : What other treatment options are there? What else might you do with James?



12/29/2018 1:45:25 AM

Process improvement Appropriate identification of popular item combinations 2 Use of formula to indicate whether to start manufacturing 2 Description of strategy 1 Miscellaneous penalties Poor grammar or written English (-2) Indecipherable file naming scheme (-1) Bonus optional challenge task Faithful reimplementation of tasks 1, 3 and 4 using Python or HTML+JavaScript (+2) Total: 20


12/29/2018 1:45:17 AM

Marking Guide: Assignment 1 Feature Criteria Maximum Obtained Operating costs Appropriate projection calculation 2 Configurable hours, rates, fixed annual and monthly costs 2 Description of findings 1 Uses hand-calculated values (-1) Visualization Visualization of changes over time 2 Visualization of staff member differences 2 Description of findings 1 Price consistency Spreadsheet interface for pricing 1 Validation of approach based on historical data 2 Justification of automation 2 Unclear instructions (-1)

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