Reference no: EM131734588
1. Please give one (1) example of where you can research information on the following (please provide the website link for each):
Wages and awards:
Australian annual beauty expo:
Worldskills competitions:
Beauty associations:
Consumer rights and protection:
Health and safety and duty of care:
Environmental legislation:
Discrimination and human rights:
Workers compensation in your state or territory:
2. Choose three (3) of the following beauty information resources below and give two (2) examples of beauty information you have found. For example, a training seminar or a new product, new equipment, new trends. Please give a brief description of the information you have found and write your answers below:
• Beauty textbooks
• Beauty magazines
• Government websites
• Trade journals
• Trade associations
• Beauty specific internet sites
• Trade unions
• Trade competitions
• Trade shows
• Libraries
• Beauty specific network groups
• Your manager, supervisor and other beauty colleagues
• Beauty colleges
• Skincare companies and manufacturers brochures
3. You are required to write a brief description of each of the following topics from the ACCC website. To help you with your answers, please use this following link. Your answer must be in your own words and not a cut and paste from the website.
• False or misleading statements
• Social media
• Managing online reviews
• Country of origin claims
4. You are required to visit a beauty counter that sells skincare and ask the beauty consultant the following questions:
• Make sure you use open and closed questions, actively listen and record product notes below:
• In your answer, provide the skincare brand name, a link to the company website and the product name you are researching.
What is the name of the product?
What type of product is it?
What is the active ingredient of the product?
How does the active ingredient work to deliver results?
What retail sizes are available and what is the retail price?
What are the benefits of the product?
Is the packaging eco- friendly and can you recycle it?
Are there any ingredients that may cause allergies to the
client such as nuts or animal by-products?
Does the retail product come with a pump to minimize waste?
5. Give a brief description as to why the following are important work ethics that your employer will expect you to maintain.
• Confidentiality and privacy of client information
• Collection of information
• Use and disclosure
• Data quality
• Data security
• Openness
• Access and correction
• Identifiers
• Anonymity
• Trans border data flows
• Sensitive information
• Maintaining a high standard of personal hygiene
• Maintain a duty of care to the customers and staff
• Ensuring you don't overbook
6. Give three (3) examples of industry information you can share with your beauty co-workers