Vision and ethical standards for a company

Assignment Help Strategic Management
Reference no: EM13874535 , Length: 1000 words

Q.1 Describe the link between a company's vision and its ethical standards. Why is it important for top management to put forth a clear vision and ethical standards for a company?

Q.2 What are the three major determinants of consumer behavior? Give an example of how each one might influence a person's purchase decision?

Q.3 What combination of motivational techniques do you think would result in the best overall motivation and reward system?

Q.4 What is the difference between market order and limit order? Describe three methods by which investors can make money with stock investment

Q.5 There is a vacancy for the position of marketing manager in a company. Radha, the HR manager of the company has to decide whether to promote an existing employee of the organization or select the candidate from an external source. Give your suggestion as to which source Radha should choose, supporting your answers with reasons.

Reference no: EM13874535

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