Virtuous business model

Assignment Help Basic Computer Science
Reference no: EM133158698

As we work every day and interact with people, we are forced to make decisions that are not always easy. In fact, many times we need to make decisions that are difficult and can have long-term ramifications. However, taking time to think about decisions when they are made and how far-reaching they can be to you and other people you work with or live with is an important aspect of adult life. Counting the cost is something we are not always good at, but there is always a cost for every decision. Christ calls us to count the cost and decide to follow him daily. At times this can be difficult and cause us to give up things and do things that are outside our comfort zone. After reading the Scripture, consider the meaning of the parable counting the cost.

Upon successful completion of this discussion, you will be able to:

Interpret the Virtuous Business Model through the lens of a parable (a story told by Jesus).

Analyze an issue or problem related to a specific industry using the lens of the VBM as framed in this parable.

Read Luke 14:25-33(new tab) and review the Virtuous Business Model(Excel spreadsheet).

What past personal experience(s) can you relate to the parable?

How does the Scripture inform your understanding of the VBM?

What can you do differently or better as a result of this reflective learning exercise?

Reference no: EM133158698

Questions Cloud

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Virtuous business model : How does the Scripture inform your understanding of the VBM? What can you do differently or better as a result of this reflective learning exercise?
Distinguish between morality and ethics : Distinguish between morality and ethics, citing the sources you considered as you define each. The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) sets national minimum wages
Health information technologies : Assess five types of Health Information Technologies (HIT) used today in terms of their influence on healthcare clinical outcomes
Nature of advance of technology : Given the nature in the advance of technology, how do you foresee technology changing the way studies such as these are conducted in the future?
Hospital protections against ransomware attack : Describes the hospital's protections against a ransomware attack. In your memo, include a chart with columns for Authorization, Authentication, Roles,


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