Reference no: EM13882567
Review the Assignments for this course, accessed by clicking on the "Assignment" tab at the top of your screen, and then selecting each Unit #-Assignment, reviewing the description, type, and deliverables. What questions do you have about these assignments in Units 1-4? What questions do you have about the overarching Unit 5 assignment? Although not due until the end of the class, it is important that you begin planning for this project early in the course. What are your initial thoughts about how you will approach this assignment? Explain.
3-4 Paragraphs
INTELLIPATH ASSIGNMENT UNIT 1-4: There are 3 steps to complete this task.
Step 1: Determine Knowledge (Complete this step by Wednesday)
• Log in into Virtual Campus and navigate to the classroom tab, where the intellipath link is displayed. The icon and link appear on the top right menu under the Assignments category. From within the assignment, the intellipath link appears under the My Work section.
• A landing page will appear, scroll down and Click on Start intellipath.
• Choose Determine Knowledge from the Steps Tab on the left-side of your screen.
Step 2: Learning Path
• Once you complete the Determine Knowledge follow the instructions to begin working on your Learning Path.
• Your path will only consist of learning nodes that you need to work on and is individualized for you.
• You will receive feedback as you work through your path.
Step 3: Practice & Revision
As you are working in your Learning Path you may need to spend additional time in specific areas to improve. You can do this by practicing and revising. Review this document. Click intellipath for intellipath Suggestions to help guide you on how to Practice and Revise to increase your Knowledge State.
How do I make the most out of the intellipath Experience?
Understand the terms of the system by reviewing the definitions below and reviewing this document. Click intellipath for Student Tips about the intellipath assignment.
Determine Knowledge: Your self-assessment to find out what you know and what you need to work on for this phase. Determine Knowledge is very important as it tells the Adaptive Learning system what you know and what you do not know. It sets the baseline for your learning in each phase and it creates your learning map from the results of your Determine Knowledge. The more you let the system know, the more accurate your Learning Map and your phase work.
Learning nodes or Lessons: Lessons improve Knowledge State on each of the learning nodes assigned for each phase. The lessons are connected throughout the entire course map. Work on one lesson influences learning on other lessons in the course map. Learning is a continuum throughout the course, assessment is constant, and by revising lessons, you can continually improve their learning.
Knowledge State: A moment in time that describes a learner's knowledge on a Determine Knowledge, learning node or lesson. Knowledge State is real time information and changes as you work in the system. Improving your Knowledge State for each phase should be your goal.
Knowledge Covered: The amount of Knowledge covered based on the learning nodes or lessons assigned to you for each phase. Completing all of your learning nodes or lessons should be your goal for each phase.
Practice: Implemented in three different ways. First, Practice can be assigned by your instructor, second, Practice can be assigned by the system, and third, Practice can be a student choice. Choose Practice once you have completed the learning node or lesson and when you have a good understanding of the material, but still have room for improvement. Two types--directed and undirected:
• Directed Practice: Choose a specific learning node, and then choose Practice, questions for Practice will show Goal and improvement on that specific learning node or lesson
• Undirected Practice: Choose the Practice icon; your practice questions will be on all learning nodes for that phase
Revision: Choose Revise once you have completed the learning node or lesson and when you feel like you need to learn more on a topic; choosing the Revise button will begin a new lesson on the specific node you chose so that you can revise the node to an improved score.
UNIT 3 DB ASSIGNMENT: Collaboration in a business environment is a best practice that leverages the collective knowledge of the team assembled. Peer evaluation and support, provided in the spirit of continuous improvement and organizational success, result in higher quality deliverables than generally possible by the efforts of an individual. Please describe the process you plan to use to conduct research, identify findings, and develop the Comprehensive Project due in Unit 5 and present a preliminary outline indicating how you intend to organize the project deliverable.
Please review the process and outlines of other students, providing an objective assessment and constructive feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of their efforts and the quality of the finished product.
Post an executive summary of your Comprehensive Project in the body of a post in this discussion (please do not use attachments). An Executive Summary is a one-page document that outlines the purpose, process, findings, discussion, and findings of a report submitted to management. CEOs often read and assess an Executive Summary before deciding to read the entire report, so this must be high quality narrative that demonstrates the significance of the work undertaken, the objectivity of research and analysis underpinning the report, and the credibility of the resulting conclusions.
Please review the Executive Summaries of other students, providing an objective assessment and constructive feedback that will help strengthen the effectiveness of their efforts and the quality of the finished report.
UNIT 5 DB ASSIGNMENT: Competencies and Knowledge
What competencies were you able to develop in researching and writing the course Comprehensive Project? How did you leverage knowledge gained in the intellipath assignments (Units 1- 4) in completing the Comprehensive Project? How will these competencies and knowledge support your career advancement in management?
UNIT 5 IP: The most popular way for international expansion is for a local firm to acquire foreign companies. One of the most benefits for international expansion is global distribution capability that helps expanding the market share.
There are different implications of running a company that is within or outside of the European Union. If you were the head of a firm based in the United States, please answer the following questions, providing the rationale behind your answers:
• Would you seek to acquire a company within the European Union or outside of it? Why?
• Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the choice you made.
• Describe the advantages and disadvantages inherent in the option you did not choose.
• Explain why an MNC may invest funds in a financial market outside its own country.
• Explain why some financial institutions prefer to provide credit in financial markets outside their own country.
4-5 Pages!