View one smooth stone

Assignment Help Operation Management
Reference no: EM131432712

Management at One Smooth Stone

Compose a two part analysis (750 -1000 words total for Part 1 and 2 combined). Please note that the two-part analysis deline is at the end of Topic 2.

Part 1

Address the following in Topic 1

1. View "One Smooth Stone".

2 . Students can gain additional insight on the company by viewing the company's promo video and website at the following links:

a. One Smooth Stone:

b.One Smooth Stone :Giving Back:

3. Address the following questions:

a. How do Mark Ledogar and Gary Vik exemplify the definition of management?

b. Which of Mintzberg's managerial roles do Ledogar and Vik display in the video?

c. Which of Katz's management skills are evident in this Video?

d. In what way is one Smooth Stone and open system? Explain your answer.

Part 2

Based on the videos and your responses to the questions in part 1, describe in an essay how One Smooth Stone demonstrates/applies any three management theories discussed in the text.

In your response, for each of the three management theories selected, because sure to address each of the following management approaches:classical, behavioral,and modern management. (Modern Management approaches include the quantitative, systems,contingency, quality management, or learning organization viewpoint.).

Reflecting on your organization and address the following:

1. How does management in your organization compare to management at One Smooth Stone?

2. What two management theories are currently being applied in your organization? Do you believe they are the most effective choices? Why or why not?

Cite two academic references in your Analysis. Academic references include the textbook, the additional readings in the course, or any article from the GCU library.

Reference no: EM131432712

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