View completion of videos is greatest on which device

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Reference no: EM131404584

Question 1 : View completion of videos is greatest on which device?

a. Desktop computer.
b. Television.
c. Gaming console.

Question 2 : In blogging, the suffix at the end of a URL address of the blog site indicates:
a. The name of the blogger.
b. The number of readers.
c. The search engine key.
d.The service hosting the blog.
e.The topic of the blog.

Question 3 : One benefit of focusing on delivering content to a core audience is that it can result in higher conversion rates.


Question 4 : Most sharing of information online is done with

a. Facebook
b. Email
c. Instant message

Question 5 : Brevity is important when creating videos because

a. Longer videos take longer to load.
b. Most videos on sharing sites are short.
c. Shorter videos are more popular.
d.People have short attention spans.
e.Research shows that 76% of viral videos are under two minutes.

Question 6 : The primary difference between a podcast and a webinar is

a. Podcasts require more preparation.
b. Webinars are easier to optimize for search engines.
c. A webinar is akin to an online radio show.
d. A webinar is designed to be interactive.
e. Podcasts generate higher return on investment.

Question 7 : What should be considered when determining how long a podcast should be?

a. Whether it will be audio or video.
b. The proposed format and amount of content available.
c. The number of questions anticipated on each recording.
d. The amount of bandwidth available for podcast streaming.
e. The amount of time available to prepare and record each podcast.

Question 8 : The important breakthrough that made podcasting possible was
a. The invention of the MP3 player.
b. The Apple iTunes store.
c. The adoption of high speed broadband Internet.
d. The development of RSS technology.
e. The invention of the iPhone.

Question 9 : Many professional or corporate blogs fail because they do not accomplish their objectives or are unclear on what those objectives should be.


Question 10 : Word-of-Mouth Marketing may be only half as effective as traditional marketing.


Question 11 : When producing a podcast, it is best to:

a. Include as much detail as possible so that you have plenty of material.
b. Choose a moderator with an interesting, quirky way of speaking.
c. Avoid music, unless it is a popular song.
d.Avoid editing too much.
e.Create a complete script for the moderator.

Question 12 : The fact that everyone is a publisher means:

a. Anyone can become a publisher on the Web.
b. There is content clutter.
c. Strong coding knowledge is no longer necessary to create a website
d.All of these are correct.
e.Hiring a programmer to create a website is no longer necessary.

Question 13 : What distinguishes a blog from other types of social media is:

a. It is findable.
b. It is viral.
c. It is linkable.
d.All of these are correct.
e.None of these is correct.

Question 14 : One reason that video creates a stronger connection with consumers is

a. Because it tells a story.
b. It creates community.
c. People don't like to read.
d.That it is seen as a diversion or quick break.
e.Because viewers are more vested in content when there is a human face attached.

Question 15 : One way to make video sharing easier is to ensure each video has descriptive keywords, tags and a title.


Question 16 : When developing a podcast, it is important to determine the length of the podcast before you identify the content.


Question 17 : Mobile and time-shifted video are the trends marketers must accommodate.


Question 18  : A primary benefit from blogging is to learn about the "tone" of the online community with regard to certain topics.


Question 19 : Creating a video to demonstrate how to use the product is called:

a. Engaging a wide variety of viewers. .
b. Generating business leads.
c. Appealing to large audiences.
d.Building brand awareness.
e.Showcasing the product.

Question 20 : Creating a blog is almost always the hardest part of the process.


Question 21 : When creating a content strategy, the use of metrics helps the marketer understand who is reading the content and when.


Question 22 : What was the main challenge facing the creators of the Old Spice Guy video?
a. Promoting the videos on other social channels while still reaching YouTube influencers.
b. Illustrating that the Old Spice brand was not old and out of date.
c. Convincing men to buy Old Spice.
d.Creating the video content quickly enough for the social media responses to appear timely.
e.Positioning the body wash as masculine while marketing to women.

Question 23 : Online video can act like an infomercial by showcasing a product's features and benefits.


Question 24 : The medium on which people spend most time viewing is:

a. Television.
b. Smartphone.
c. Tablet.
d.Desktop computer.
e.Smartphone and tablet combined.

Question 25 : One of the challenges with using podcasts in a marketing plan is

a. Learning how to use the podcasting equipment.
b. The commitment required to creating the podcast content.
c. Identifying content that appeals to your personas.
d.Finding a way for the podcast to reach the target audience.
e.Understanding how to optimize podcast tags in search engines.

Question 26 : Regarding smartphone use, which of the following is false?

a. Some shoppers prefer to use smartphones for information rather than ask a store employee.
b. The smartphone viewing completion rate of videos was 10%.
c. Consumers are more likely to purchase a product if they see the ad on tv instead of their smartphones.
d.Shoppers use smartphones for information while shopping..
e.U.S. consumers who view branded video content on smartphones are more likely to feel personally connected to ads than those who watch on a desktop or tv.

Question 27 : Which of the following is not a best practice for video marketing?

a. Optimize your videos to be found in search.
b. Design and produce videos for the platforms on which they are to appear.
c. Make a creative sales video.
d.Design and produce videos for mobile.
e.Post your videos on multiple platforms.

Question 28 : Using real people in actual locations when creating a video is an example of

a. Professionalism
b. Being entertaining
c. Authenticity
d.Human drama

Question 29 : According to the text, why is it important to choose an articulate host or moderator for a podcast?

a. It requires less editing.
b. Recorded audio can amplify speaking quirks.
c. It helps ensure the podcast will be shared with others.
d.People will be more likely to listen all the way through.
e.It makes your brand appear more professional.

Question 30 :An increasing amount of time is spent viewing videos.


Reference no: EM131404584

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