Vietnam changed the narrative for United States citizens

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Reference no: EM133628237

Vietnam changed the narrative for United States citizens in its relationship war. While it is true that some Americans lost the Civil War (of course some Americans also won the Civil War, as such is the nature of a civil war), our losing Vietnam shattered a longstanding image of American military dominance in the Globe. This was of course further complicated by subsequent military events. Not only did the scope of war change, but the victory conditions themselves changed dramatically in American imaginations. Since you have been alive, we have struggled with another defeat in Afghanistan. War has never been simple of course, but victory has become so complex that in many ways it cannot simply be defined. Today, we are helping the Ukrainians fight a way against Russia, but we have yet to officially declare war. The victory condition of that military altercation has ramifications globally, and will fundamentally reshape global markets for the foreseeable future.

1. And now, many soldiers have returned to the United States after the Afghanistan War. In what ways can we learn from these past incidents to perhaps build a better future for these returning soldiers?

This question is from the free online textbook "The American Yawp," Chapter 28 "Unraveling".

Reference no: EM133628237

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