Victorian wine growers

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Reference no: EM13141380

Case Study: Victorian Wine Growers Association. 
The Victorian Wine Growers Association (VWGA) has many shareholders. There are several kinds of shareholders within the association: Grower, Employee and Private. Every shareholder is registered and a record is created on the information system for them when they first acquire shares. Registration can be done in a number of ways: the shareholder goes into the head office or completes a form and mails it to the head office. These details are then entered by the office clerk; the shareholder phones or emails head office and their details are entered by the office clerk, or; the shareholder enters their details themselves via the company website. 
The following details are entered for all shareholders, regardless of how they register: name, postal address, contact telephone numbers, email address, shareholder category, date joined and a unique shareholder number. Grower shareholders require the following details: the name of their property, the size of the property and a list of the wine varieties that they produce. Employee shareholders have their job title recorded as well as their office number and work telephone number. 
All shareholders must agree to purchase shares through a stock broker. Employee shareholders must use a particular stock broker company as nominated for all employees by VWGA. Other shareholders may nominate a specific stock broker company to purchase shares for them and details of this company must then be recorded at the time of registration. Grower and private shareholders may purchase from any broker and each broker may sell to any shareholder. Employee shareholders must use a broker from the nominated company only. 
Each purchase of a parcel of shares occurs between a broker and a shareholder and has the purchase date, the number of shares, the purchase price per share, commission amount and the total amount recorded. Individual brokers are identified by their broker registration code and have name and contact details stored along with the details of their brokerage company name and postal address. 
Information regarding all sales of shares and broker details are recorded by an office clerk at VWGA. Each shareholder is issued with a certificate of purchase each time they purchase shares by an office clerk at VWGA. Each certificate records a unique certificate number, the certificate issue date, number of shares, purchaser's name and broker's name. 
Given the current economic climate, shareholders may be interested in monitoring the value of their current shares. Shareholders may choose to receive regular email reports to keep track of current trade prices. Details of these report requirements can be adjusted by the shareholder through the company website. Shareholders select the frequency of these daily reports: 6am, 10am, 2pm, 6pm and 10pm or any combination of those times. Appropriate reporting processes must be provided to manage the appropriate distribution of these email reports to shareholders. 
Dividend payments are automatically calculated by the system for each shareholder on the anniversary of the purchase date of that particular lot of shares. For each dividend, a unique dividend sequence payment number is recorded as well as the dividend date. The dividend amount to be paid is set by a member of the board and updated to the system at the start of each month. 
Functionality to allow changes to any recorded information must also be provided. 
Modelling and Diagramming (100 marks in total) 
Review the Victorian Wine Growers Association case study and answer the following questions with reference to the information in the case study. Do NOT extend the scope for any of the following solutions beyond that specifically described in the case study above. You are permitted to make reasonable assumptions where necessary but these should be noted. 
It is recommended that you review all documentation for this case study before finalising any single solution. Ensure that the required consistency has been included within and between each question solution. 
Question 1: Event Table (30 marks) 
Prepare an event table for the 'Victorian Wine Growers Association' information system as described in the case study above. 
Your event table solution should show at least the following columns headings: Event, Event Type, Trigger, Source, Use Case, Response and Destination. 

Question 2: Domain Model Class Diagram 
Prepare a Domain Model Class Diagram for the 'Victorian Wine Growers Association' information system. This solution should show all classes needed to support this information system as described in the case study above. All appropriate associations and multiplicity should be included. Where appropriate generalisation/specialisation hierarchy should be shown. 
Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al textbook. Solutions are expected to show: 
• The class name and attributes list for each class and sub class as required 
• All required associations 
• All attributes as specifically mentioned in the case study must be reflected 
• Other attributes as needed to support the described functionality. 
It is not necessary to show methods, however you may include them if you wish. Solutions are expected to align with the components as shown in figure 5-38. 

Question 3: Design Class Diagram 
Prepare a Design class diagram for the Shareholder and Shares classes ONLY. These two classes should be part of the Domain model class diagram solution for the previous question. 
Each of these design class diagrams are expected to have a complete attributes list and a comprehensive methods list which supports the specified functionality as described in the case study. 
Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al textbook. Solutions are expected to align with the components for the 'Design class diagram for Student' as shown on the right hand side of figure 11-13. 

Question 4: Use Case Diagram 
Review your event table solution from question 1 to prepare a Use Case diagram for the supporting information system. 
Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al textbook. Solutions are expected to align with the components as shown in figures 7-3 and 7-6. 
Students may prefer to organise their solution by subsystems if you feel that this is more suitable, similar to figure 7-5. The ACME use case diagram solution provided as a resource on the course study desk outlines an alternative but acceptable technique for 'packaging' use case diagrams. 

Question 5: Use Case Description (intermediate) 
Prepare a Use Case intermediate description for the office clerk 'Creates Shareholder' use case, as documented in the event table solution and the use case diagram solution. 
Solutions must follow the methodology as outlined within the Satzinger et al textbook. Solutions are expected to align with the form as shown in figure 5-14.

Reference no: EM13141380

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