Very boards does a big business in shirts especially for

Assignment Help DOT NET Programming
Reference no: EM13372412

Very Boards does a big business in shirts, especially for groups and teams. They need a project that will calculate the price for individual orders, as well as a summary for all orders. The store employee will enter the orders in an order form that has text boxes for customer name and order number.

To specify the shirts, use a text box for the quantity, radio buttons to select the size (small, medium, large, extra large, and XXL), and check boxes to specify a monogram and/or a pocket.

Display the shirt price for the current order and the order total in labels. Include buttons to add a shirt to an order, clear the current item, complete the order, and display the summary of all orders. Do not allow the summary to display if the current order is not complete. Also, disable the text boxes for customer name and order number after an order is started; enable them again when the user clicks on the button to begin a new order. Confirm the operation before clearing the current order. When the user adds shirts to an order, validate the quantity, which must be greater than zero.

If the entry does not pass the validation, do not perform any calculation but display a message box and allow the user to correct the value.

Determine the price of the shirts from the radio buttons and check boxes for the monogram and pockets. Multiply the quantity by the price to determine the extended price, and add to the order total and summary total

Reference no: EM13372412

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