Venture capital and private equity

Assignment Help Term Paper
Reference no: EM13727 , Length: 2200 Words

Venture Capital & Private Equity

It is argued that VC and PE houses achieve superior returns through ruthlessly focussing management on short to medium term outcomes.

In particular, parsimonious cash management is given a very high profile. They also bring clear lines of authority and accountability, measured by appropriate KPI's. In addition, management incentives are very clearly aligned with the budgetary aims of the business.

Prepare a report, identifying the ways in which this approach could be adopted to yield enhanced returns from your business.

Structure of report

  • Introduction
  • The Background of the Business
  • Objective of the Business
  • Profit Improvement Plan
  • Management and Reporting Structure
  • Conclusion
  • References


Reference no: EM13727

Questions Cloud

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