Venezuela under hugo chavez and beyond

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133136535

Critical Thinking

Read Case 2: "Venezuela under Hugo Chavez and Beyond" available in your e-book and answer the following questions:

Assignment Question(s):

1. Under Chavez's leadership, what kind of economic system was put in place in Venezuela? How would you characterize the political system?

2. During the Chavez years, many foreign multinationals exited Venezuela or reduced their exposure there. What do you think the impact of this has been on Venezuela? What needs to be done to reverse the trend?

3. By 2016, Venezuela's economy appeared to be on the brink of total collapse. What do you think needs to be done to reverse this?

Reference no: EM133136535

Questions Cloud

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Venezuela under hugo chavez and beyond : Under Chavez's leadership, what kind of economic system was put in place in Venezuela? How would you characterize the political system?
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Characterize political system : Under Chávez's leadership, what kind of economic system was put in place in Venezuela? How would you characterize the political system?
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