Vehicle identification number

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM131036829

Your final project is to create a site to manage a car lot.  Your program must let people signup to input cars for sale and display those cars for sale on the home page in a table grid view.

1. Signup form (First Name, Last Name, Email, Password 2x)

Validation: email and password matching

Confirmation Email

2. Sign in Form

email address and password

3. Logout Button

4. Connect to the Edmunds API to retrieve information about car's

5. Form to add cars in inventory (Inventory ID, car ID, CreatedBy, CreatedOn, Price, Condition, VIN Test with "1FAHP26W49G252740" Should come up as a Ford Taurus

6. Log table of access attempts.

Display Pages

1. Homepage <- Table view of cars /w photos

2. Add Car Form View <- Displays a form to enter the condition, Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), and the sale price.

3. Car Salesmen Profile <-The person that created the car.  Link to profile displayed on the "Car Detail View"

4. Car Detail View <- View car details

5. Access attempt log <- only available for logged in users


Address the following security issues: hashing, encryption, iptables, captcha, honeypot, SQL injection, HTML injection, CSRF, and Session Hijackin

Reference no: EM131036829

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