Reference no: EM1385599
Selecting a critical issue from the 21st century and argue the risk of adopting a stance of either ethical relativism or utilitarianism in regard to this chosen issue. Also discuss how will, free will, and uninfluenced will would affect taking a stance on this chosen issue.
The critical issue I have chosen to discuss is sexual freedom and experimentation among teenagers.
"Oh they're just teenagers having a good time." How many generations have said these words over the centuries and have gone on to raise their children unharmed? Of course in the past this phrase may have been used when teens were using firearms, driving their cars too fast or doing other physically dangerous things. Today, teens are no different in many respects than their parents and grandparents were. What is very different is society's moral standards and guidelines within which teenagers are raised. Actually, many teenagers raise themselves today without much or any parental influence at all. Or, there may be negative parental influence in some cases.
The exposure to sexuality through music, movies, the internet and in real relationships is rampant and commonplace in America and the world today. Consider the following facts and figures.
Over 600,000 new cases of STIs are diagnosed each year in the UK, up from 500,000 in 2000, and 420,000 in 1995 (Health Protection Agency).
'The inevitable consequence of a modern conventional sex life is that 70 to 80 per cent of women will suffer genital infection with HPV, the human wart virus, at some time.' (Dr Thomas Stuttaford, "Close encounters of the worst kind" The Times, 6th February 06).
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