Various methods of implementing rsa

Assignment Help Computer Network Security
Reference no: EM13694507


Technical Guidelines: Study various methods of implementing RSA, a public-key cryptographic algorithm. Write time functions to help you conduct timing measurements for RSA. You are allowed to use whatever language you desire, and whatever library you desire. Conduct the following tests:

Measure the time needed to encrypt and decrypt files, and key generation time using RSA on a device (such as PC/laptop/Pocket PC). You need test RSA with files of various sizes and with different key lengths. Choose another device with different HARDWARE CONFIGURATIONS. Repeat the tests on it.

Note: you will want to average over a few of iterations to arrive at timing estimates. Write a report and a presentation. The report needs to be 3-4 pages, which describes the approach you used and then explains your observations. Make certain to describe which language and libraries you used (if they are public). The presentation should contain 5-6 slides.

Answer this question and show each and every step with example.

Reference no: EM13694507

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