Variety of endocrine or metabolic problems

Assignment Help Biology
Reference no: EM133291586


Discuss abnormal bone development in the human body. Explain the variety of endocrine or metabolic problems that lead to gigantism, dwarfism, acromegaly and marfan's syndrome. Provide personal experiences or that of someone you know and explain the treatment process for that condition.

Reference no: EM133291586

Questions Cloud

Aj works for large corporation : AJ works for a large corporation. Her normal attire for work includes high-heeled shoes, sometimes with pointed toes.
Burning mouth syndrome is problem : Burning mouth syndrome is a problem that may occur as one ages. Explain this condition or psychological factors that may be involved.
Consist of lymphatic nodules : Which of the following consist of lymphatic nodules containing T-lymphocytes found in the jejunum and ileum of the small intestine's mucosa and submucosa
Functions of small intestines be impaired : How would the functions of the small intestines be impaired if some was born without villi, microvilli, and smooth muscle in the small intestines?
Variety of endocrine or metabolic problems : Discuss abnormal bone development in the human body. Explain the variety of endocrine or metabolic problems that lead to gigantism
Name the four classic symptoms of inflammation : Name the four classic symptoms of inflammation, and explain what each symptom represents in terms of changes in the injured tissue.
Explain how nutrition relates to homeostasis of human body : Explain how nutrition relates to the homeostasis of the human body. Summarize this module's key points
At the glomerulus ions are selectively filtered : At the glomerulus, ions are selectively filtered, so that ions you want to conserve (like Na+ and Cl-) are not filtered,
Exact same physical condition : You are training a client (22, female) that is in the exact same physical condition as you.


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