Variables reduce unnecessary comparision in a bubble sort

Assignment Help Computer Engineering
Reference no: EM1326159

Programming logic and design
1. What type of variables can be used to reduce unnecessary comparision in a bubble sort.
(a) temporary (b) flag (c) integer (d) array
2.usually a program that processes an array uses a :
(a)decision (b) output report (c) batch (d) loop
3.when merging files, a ______ is used to determine which file the next record comes from.
(a) comparison (b) array (c) sequence (4) flag
4.when merging 2 files, what condition terminates the main loop of the program.
(a)when the first file reachs eof (b) when the second files reaches eof (c) when both files reach (d) when 100 records have been process of the things you need to find out about a module you wish to call is the:
(a) argument list (b) local variable names (c) number of lines code (d)original programmers name
6. Passing values to module helps facilitate:
a) confusion (b) encapsulation (c) sharing (d) reuse
7. What is the loosest style of coupling?
A) external (b) data-shared (c) control (d) data
8. Which of the following sorting methods is the least efficient?
A) insertion (b) selection (c) basic bubble sort (d) optimized bubble sort a (n) ______ sort all of the array elements are moved to make room for the newly sorted element.
A) swap (b) selection (c) bubble (d)insertion
10. What type of variable is used to help move array elements in a selection sort?
A) swap (b) temporary (c)flag (d) array
11.__________ contains an extra field in each record that holds a pointer to the next logical record.
A) link list (b) index (c) physical memory (d) random-access memory
12.a_____ application usually involves the user typing a choice at the command prompt
a)graphical user interface (b) batch (c) console (d) gui
13. When programmer writes a program ,she may leave certain module definitions as _______ when working on the mainline logic.
A) shells (b) stubs (c) standards (d) batches
14. When a menu contains numerous option, it is more elegant to use a(n) _____ structure than a series of decisions.
A)case (b) loop (c) if-then-else (d) batch
15.when matching records between files they must be :
a) sorted in the same order (b) padded to have the same length(c) backed up (d) printed
16. You need to understand a subroutine's _____ in order to use it
a) internal structure (b) programming style (c) local variables (d) interface
17.the order that array elements are stored in base on their memory address is the _____ order
a) numeric (b) physical (c) logical (d) index can circumvent potential problem cause by a user's invalid data entries by _______ the user's input
a) grouping (b) denying (c)validating (d) modifying
19.the first atsk that any menu-driven program should preform is:
a) accepting (b)displaying the menu (c) reading the user response (d) performing a module base on user selection
20.a variable's ______ in no way influences how the method is called from another module
a) local name (b) data type (c) size (d) definition

Reference no: EM1326159

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