Reference no: EM133092316
CH. 16 Discuss the Value of Workforce Diversity Interventions.
1. Examine and evaluate the coaching and mentoring intervention.
2. Describe the process of implementing management and leadership development interventions.
3. Understand how career planning and development interventions improve the individual's personal competencies and enhance traditional human resource approaches.
CH. 17 Workforce Diversity and Wellness
1. Examine human resources management interventions related to workforce diversity.
2. Understand and evaluate the effectiveness of employee wellness interventions.
CH. 18 Transformational Change
1. Describe the characteristics of transformational change.
2. Explain the organization design intervention for both domestic and worldwide situations.
3. Learn about the integrated strategic change intervention and understand how it represents the revolutionary and systemic characteristics of transformational change.
4. Discuss the process and key success factors associated with culture change.