Value of implementing tqm standard to increase performance

Assignment Help Dissertation
Reference no: EM131879605

Dissertation Proposal

This is an individual assignment.

This document explains the brief and should be read in conjunction with the additional documents mentioned in this document.

You are required to make a video no more than 10 minutes long, using Zoom and no more than 8 Powerpoint slides excluding the title slide. (Zoom will capture the Powerpoint slides as you show them on your screen, and record your explanation of them).

The required content of the powerpoints/video is explained in the ‘Assignment Task' below - follow this structure carefully. You don't need to squeeze everything you say on to the Powerpoints - stick to the main points and talk over the top of them.

The purpose of the video is to convince the listener that you have identified a management problem or issue which it is important to investigate - and that you have already made a start on that investigation, by;

- really trying to hone in on what it is you want to find out
- considering relevant academic sources and
- exploring possible options for primary research.

Imagine that you are talking to a group of colleagues or industry specialists, who might potentially fund your research - and sell them what you want to do and why! The language used should be formal and professional. You may use the first person.

Cite your sources as you go along.

As with any presentation, practice makes perfect - so you are very likely to need several attempts at the video - and the slides - before you are happy with the result.

Dissertation - Value of implementing TQM (Total Quality Management) standard to increase the firm performance

The Assignment Task:

This section sets out what your slides - and accompanying video explanation of them - should cover.

1. Working title
This need not be the final title, but should give an indication of your intended research topic

2. The management or business problem that you seek to solve, and its context

What is the management or business problem you wish to investigate?

Briefly explain the research question(s) you are seeking to answer and make clear what the purpose or aim of your research is, i.e.
What do you want to find out by the end of your dissertation, that you do not already know?

(Note: it is appreciated that the area of investigation may be refined, after further work and discussion with your supervisor. Supervisors will be allocated on the basis of your proposal).

Having identified the problem, what are the objectives of the research (= the problem broken down into manageable steps)?

In this section, you should also include an explanation of the business context in which your research will be set e.g. organisation or industry, in other words, the background to your research - what has given rise to your intended research and why is there a need for it? Which types of organisations or business practitioners will benefit from you solving the management or business problem that you have identified? Cite appropriate sources to support your points.

You can start with the context and move on to the aim and objectives of the research, or vice versa, whichever flows best for you.

Using a mind map or similar technique, comment on which area or areas of theory you think will be particularly helpful for exploring the problem/question, in a literature review e.g. marketing of services, organisational culture, and why(Please see folder ‘MIND MAPS AND VIDEOS' on the MB759 Blackboard module).

Whilst in section 2 above you have explained the business context, this section is about the academic context and should help to show where your work will sit within the existing literature.

For this section you will need to have identified three or four peer reviewed articles (from scholarly journals on ABI Inform/(Proquest) or Emerald) which fall within the area(s) of theory identified above. Your articles should have been published in the last five years.

Discuss one theory or key idea from each article which you think will be helpful for your literature review and explain why that theory or idea is particularly relevant to your investigation. The full reference for each article can appear in the notes section of the slides.

Primary research: Methods and Access
a) How do you intend to obtain your primary dataand why do you consider that this method or methods is/are likely to be the most appropriate? Who will be in your sample? (In this section we are looking for credible plans, not simply wishful ideas!)

b) Comment on why you consider that your proposal is ‘do-able' e.g. do you have established contacts or friends who can introduce you to potential interview respondents, who is in your network and who might those respondents be? For surveys, you need to be clear how you will maximise the response rate. ‘Convenience samples' e.g. getting your friends to complete a survey using a web link from your Facebook page - are rarely acceptable.

c) This section should also highlight any ethical issues which might require consideration, having consulted the university's guidelines


Briefly summarise again, what you want to find out in your disso, and why (if funding were available), it should be funded (suggest who will benefit, if you can solve the business problem that you have identified).

For information at this stage:
For the final dissertation submission please note now that you will be required to submit:
- An electronic copy uploaded to Turnitin
- Selected evidence of original work. This may include, copies of completed questionnaires, interview recordings or transcripts, draft work keep all your work in progress!

Your dissertation may fail if you do not provide sufficient evidence of the originality of your work, especially your primary research.

You should not assume that you will be invited to a viva (oral examination) to provide further evidence, if the appropriate proof is missing from your final dissertation submission.

A viva may be held if academic misconduct is suspected.

Make a PPT about 10 slides, and one speech draft about 10 minutes

Verified Expert

For preparing the PowerPoint presentation, we have referred to the topic provided in the proposal, "Elucidating the value of implementing TQM (Total Quality Management) standards to increase the firm’s performance". Through the presentation, we have demonstrated the understanding of the topic and prepared slides, which sheds light on the aim and objective of the research. As the research is regrading total quality management, a detailed account on the background and significance of the study has been provided. In order to gather data, primary research technique has been used along with probability technique of sampling and deductive approach to complement it. Ethical considerations have also been considered for this research.

Reference no: EM131879605

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2/26/2018 5:07:04 AM

Communication (audio and visual) 15% Video runs to time and flows very well. The student is convincing, fluent and persuasive in the delivery, suggesting careful rehearsal. Visuals are clear and uncluttered with correct spelling and grammar. Overall very easy to understand. Video runs to time and flows well. The student is mostly convincing, fluent and persuasive, suggesting careful rehearsal. Standard of English consistently clear, hardly any mistakes. Overall easy to listen to and absorb. Student has made a fair attempt to deliver a convincing argument and discussion in the video. Could have done with some more practice or slides may be over-packed with information. Slides or video appear rushed – visuals needed a lot more work or a lot more practice was needed to explain what is on them. However some useful information can be understood from a first viewing of the video. It is necessary to listen to/watch the video several times to grasp what the student is trying to say. Slides or video appear rushed – visuals needed a lot more work and a lot more practice was needed to explain what is on them.


2/26/2018 5:06:56 AM

Proposals for Primary Research – Methods and Access 20% Methods chosen are very clear and link appropriately to the research aim and objectives. Student provides very clear rationale for suggested approaches and participants selection. Overall looks potentially achievable. Ethical issues outlined Links appropriately to the research aim and objectives but some issues may be evident with the approach. Student demonstrates very good rationale for approach and participants selection. Mostly looks workable. Ethical issues outlined. Has some broad ideas for the primary research but the scope of these will still need more attention. Student may be attempting to do too much in the available time or made insufficient links back to the research aims and objectives. Some potentially useful ideas are suggested for the primary research but there is only a limited attempt to identify how the student will access the necessary respondents, or, the ideas need much further elaboration.


2/26/2018 5:06:41 AM

Discussion of peer reviewed articles 20% Student identifies and evaluates some really cutting edge, recent theories, models or concepts and is able to articulate how/why these could be of importance in his/her research. Useful range of theories and concepts identified, fair attempt to articulate links to own research focus and questions and why these ideas will help. Different ideas are identified and the student has some thoughts on the relevance and usefulness of them for his or her own research. Search for interesting articles could have been more probing as the ideas and concepts are fairly similar. Some links made to own research but much more elaboration is needed. The discussion draws on journal articles which are more than five years old or the articles are not peer-reviewed. The student is unable to articulate the relevance of the ideas to own research.


2/26/2018 5:06:33 AM

Academic Context (development and discussion of mind map or similar technique) 15% The discussion of the mind map/other technique shows that s/he is really trying to drill down to the focus of the work and evaluate which are the appropriate theoretical ideas. We can see where the work sits in a wider body of literature. A good attempt at identifying and discussing the appropriate areas of academic literature which will support the work. Some important concepts identified. Map could be further elaborated but a good start made. Some attempt to apply and discuss the mind map technique but the academic context partially relies on guesswork rather than preliminary investigation. The academic context is partially outlined but will need to be more specific. The student has partially engaged with the mind map technique but the academic context identified is still quite broad and much more drilling down will be needed. Approach is vague in parts. The mind map relies almost entirely on guesswork and the areas. Student may have a practical idea but is unable to articulate where this sits in an academic context.


2/26/2018 5:06:26 AM

Research Question, Aims and Objectives 15% Very clearly phrased research question, aims and objectives, that leave no doubt about what the student wishes to find out. Could be used with limited adaptation to guide the next stage of the work A well-phrased research question and good attempt at aims and objectives which explain what the student wants to find out, although a few revisions will still be necessary. Reasonable attempt to get to grips with the overall direction of the work and what it is that the student wants to find out, but still needs careful refinement and revision to get to the heart of the issue Some ideas on the overall direction of the dissertation but aim and objectives struggle for clarity and flow with several clearly evident errors or weaknesses. It is not fully clear what the student wants to find out. The direction and focus of the work are extremely vague in scope and may be totally unrealistic. The research question, aims and objectives do not make clear what the student wants to find out.


2/26/2018 5:06:18 AM

MB759 Assessment Grid for Coursework One – Dissertation Proposal Practical context and rationale for research (why is the research necessary?) 15% The focus of the work is firmly rooted in a clearly identified, current and pressing business problem or issue, which is substantiated by convincing supporting evidence. It is very clear which organisations, companies and/or business practitioners will benefit and why. Well rooted in a clearly identified, current and pressing business problem or issue with some supporting evidence offered. It is mostly clear which organisations, companies and/or business practitioners will benefit and why. Has roots in an identified business problem or issue and there is a fair attempt to articulate which organisations, companies and/or business practitioners will benefit and why. Some evidence supplied but more could be done to outline the business case for the research. There is an attempt to explain what the problem is and why the research is necessary. However the evidence lacks currency, or there is very little supporting evidence. The rationale still needs more elaboration.

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