Valuable insights into global business

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133107012

You can gain valuable insights into global business by examining how countries compare to each other. Various research groups and international agencies systematically examine economic, political, and other features of nations. Visit globalEDGETM Tools and Data, scroll down and click Interactive Rankings. Select Countries.

You will find dozens of criteria ranking countries based on GDP per capita; Education-literacy rate; People-population total; People-population density; Health-mortality rate; Energy-electricity production; Infrastructure-mobile cellular subscriptions; Infrastructure-roads, total network; Trade and Investment-foreign direct investment net inflows; and many other factors.

Choose the ranking criteria that interest you most and then examine three countries (you choose), i.e. Germany, India, and South Africa. Based on your analysis, explain why they rank where they do. Do their relative positions make sense to you? Does each country seem like a good place to do business? Is the country emerging, developing, or advanced? Why or why not? How does the type of business influence your decision? How do ethical business practices in each country impact your decisions regarding each of these countries?

Reference no: EM133107012

Questions Cloud

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