Valid contract to buy p motorcycle

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM132488892

Please answer all of the following questions. Each question will be given equal weight in the marking of the answers.

1. Peter (P) put the following advertisement in the local newspaper that was distributed on Monday: "Motorcycle for sale. Excellent condition. Price: £3000. Tel. 1902 655 655. Fax. 1902 652 652". On Tuesday morning, Robert (R) telephoned the number provided in the advertisement. P was away at the time and the call was answered by P's girlfriend, Jill (J), with whom P had just had an argument. R explained to J that he was calling in response to the advertisement and added: "I want to buy the motorcycle. I'll send a fax to confirm". J replied:

"Fine. I'll tell P when he comes back home". R sent immediately thereafter a fax stating: "I am interested in buying your motorcycle at the advertised price. I assume it is registered". P's fax machine was not loaded with paper at the time, so R's message was not printed out. When P arrived home early Tuesday evening, J said to him: "Your stupid motorbike isn't particularly popular. Only one person has rung about buying it". P asked her if the person had provided their contact details, and she replied "no". P, feeling irritated, then went upstairs to his study where he discovered that the fax machine was out of paper. He loaded it with paper, and received the print-out of the fax from P. He noticed that there was an email address in the letterhead used by R, so he immediately emailed R stating: "I agree to your offer to buy my motorcycle". R received only part of this message due to a defect in the modem in his computer. The next day, R saw another motorcycle advertised for sale which appeared to be a better buy.

Advise R whether he has already entered into a valid contract to buy P's motorcycle.

Reference no: EM132488892

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