Utilizing spiritual leadership to enhance satisfaction

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133734208

A study by Weaver, titled "Spirituality, Leadership, and Virtual Teams: A Quantitative Evaluation of Spiritual Leadership, Virtual Teams, and Job Satisfaction," seeks to understand the difficulty relating to how spiritual leadership affects the job satisfaction level of virtual teams' employees. Currently, there are more virtual teams as one unit realized in researching the use of spiritual leadership to increase job satisfaction and improve the operations of virtual teams.

Three Key Findings

First and foremost, the dissertation concludes that spiritual leadership positively influences the job satisfaction levels of members of virtual teams. A leader with a sense of integrity, altruism, and community can increase the morale and satisfaction level of his fellow members to an extent. (Weaver, 2023). Moreover, spiritual leadership behavior was also concluded to enhance team cohesiveness in a virtual environment. Spiritual leadership instills a sense of belongingness and connectedness among the team members; otherwise, isolation may result from physical separation in a virtual environment. There are some other results: spiritual leadership has been proven to increase communication and trust within the virtual team. Spiritual values-based leadership generally leads to an open and transparent communication culture within a company, resulting in increased confidence and reduced misunderstandings among the team members.

Sound Idea for Consulting or Working on a Team

An applied idea from the dissertation that would be helpful when consulting with or working on a team would be implementing spiritual leadership practices to enhance job satisfaction and foster team cohesiveness (Weaver, 2023). The organization can develop programs aimed at helping the leaders in your practice acquire the skills of empathy, ethical behavior, and a sense of purpose. Encouraging leaders to integrate these into their leadership will create more cohesive, satisfied, and high-performing virtual teams.


Melissa Weaver's dissertation contributes some findings on the effectiveness of spiritual leadership in virtual teams. Organizations can secure a better place for their virtual teams by utilizing spiritual leadership to enhance satisfaction and well-being among team members. This is very important because the key findings improving job satisfaction, team cohesion, and communication show that spiritual leadership practices are essential to incorporate into modern organizational settings, especially with virtual teams. This is an effective tool and, at the same time, can serve as a powerful strategy for I/O psychologists and consultants in maximizing both the team's performance and employees' well-being in the virtual workplace.

Response Guidelines

Read the posts of your peers and respond to at least two. Compare your experience in teams to the research. Describe the trends you think will endure. Your response posts to other learners are expected to be substantive, referencing the assigned readings as well as other theoretical, empirical, or professional literature to support your statements.

Reference no: EM133734208

Questions Cloud

What is the relationship between reliability and validity : Can a test have one without the other? Give examples of tests that you have been exposed to in your life with either questionable reliability or validity.
Introduction to industrial and organizational psychology : Organizational change is a pivotal approach that supports, prepares, and guides individuals, organizations, or teams through significant transformations.
Types of organizational change : Conte & Landy (2018) state that many organizations fail to achieve change because of "either/or" thinking which often happens in transformational.
Discuss issues of social distancing : Discussed how issues of social distancing, and management biases based on age, race, and gender could become exacerbated with virtual teams.
Utilizing spiritual leadership to enhance satisfaction : Organizations can secure a better place for their virtual teams by utilizing spiritual leadership to enhance satisfaction and well-being among team members.
Where did urban black men develop their cool pose : Tough Guise From where did urban Black men develop their "cool pose"?
Description of what the western hemisphere was like : In a response of 250 words or more provide a description of what the western hemisphere was like and how it transformed.
Explain how iwo jima and okinawa impacted world war ii : Explain how Iwo Jima and Okinawa impacted World War II.
Concepts of state sovereignty and presidential power : How did the Civil War alter American constitutionalism regarding the concepts of state sovereignty and presidential power?


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