Using visual basic to create a webpage that has functions

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM132080084

Need help with Visual Basic, not C#.

You have to use Visual Basic to create a webpage that has functions listed below. I don't know where to start to this so asking for help.

1. Imagine you are a manager of three consultants and you want to keep track of their performances at your company using a point system.

You need a form where you can add brownie points to their total points when they have done something great, or deduct points when necessary.

You are asked to program a web form that has a dropdown list which is includes your company's three employees' names and ID's (value field), a Radio Button List with 2 options (Good Job and Mess-Up), a textbox wherein you can type in a number, and a textbox for output.

a. Write the procedure that can take the employee chosen in the drop down list, and give them more brownie points or deduct points based on the selection of the radio button list. The amount of points will be taken from the text box. After each transaction write the status of each employee's value to your output textbox. Keep in mind that employees' points are accumulative and should not be cleared each time you click on the button.

b. Write a procedure for a clear button that can clear the form for the next data entry.

2. Imagine you are using as ASP.NET web form to book hotel reservations for tourists. Imagine that your form contains a dropdown list with over 200 available hotels. The name of the hotel is in the text field and the price per night is in the value field. The first item in the dropdown list is "Please select a hotel"

a. Your manager calls you and tells you that prices per night for all the hotels should be increased by 10%. Write a procedure that will increase the value field of all of the items in the drop down list by 10%. (Hint: multiply by 1.01)

b. Add 2 calendars (check-in and check-out), a text box (for output), and a button to the form. Once the button is clicked the program must validate that a hotel was selected and that the check-out date is after the check-in date and that both are in the future. After data validation, the program will show the total price for the reservation based on the number of nights (check-out - check-in) and the price per night for the selected hotel from the drop down list.

c. Add $50 dollars to the total price if the checkout day was a Saturday or Sunday.

Reference no: EM132080084

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