Reference no: EM131015775
Using Visual
Prime: Displays all of the prime numbers from the start number to the end number, inclusive. Allow no more than 500 for the end number. For example, if the start number is 2 and the end number is 25, the following prime numbers should display: 2 3 5 7 11 13 17 19 23
Fibonacci: The Fibonacci Sequence is the series of numbers: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc. The next number is found by adding up the two numbers before. Display the Fibonacci sequence up to the nth sequence keyed by the user, where n is the start number keyed by the user. Allow no more than the 30th number in the sequence and disallow the entry of the end number. For example, if the user keys the starting number 5, the following will display: 0 1 1 2 3. Using Arrays only
Factorial: Displays the factorial for the start number. For example, if the user keys a start number of 5, the number 120 should display. Use the following formula to calculate 5! 5! = 5*4*3*2*1. Allow no more than 10 for the start number. Disallow entry of the end number.
Payroll package
: Jeff is an analyst. The human resources department is very unhappy with their payroll package. They want the information systems department to write them a new package as they think they have unique needs that can't be meet with a packaged solution..
Find the node at the beginning of the loop
: Given a circular linked list, find the node at the beginning of the loop. Example: A-->B-->C --> D-->E -->C, C is the node that begins the loop
Given a binary tree which is a sum tree
: Given a binary tree which is a sum tree, write an algorithm to determine whether the tree is a valid sum tree
How fast is water level rising when water is twenty cm deep
: How fast is the water level rising when the water is 20 cm deep? Possibly 0.2 / (1.8 + 0.5) = .0869m? But WebAssign doesn't accept fraction the 0.2/2.3.
Using visual basic net
: Prime: Displays all of the prime numbers from the start number to the end number, inclusive. Allow no more than 500 for the end number. For example, if the start number is 2 and the end number is 25, the following prime numbers should display: 2 3 5 ..
Evaluate the effect of refunding or reorganizing
: Explain how the debt capacity of the governmental entity is determined.
How use probability to improve chances of winning at casino
: Using probability: How can you use probability to improve your chances of winning at a casino. Provide specific examples using concepts learned in this module
Finds all possible combinations for these three guys
: Having trouble with figuring out how to write a function for the following problem, I have to write a program that finds all possible combinations for these three guys (john,nick,stephen) to split a check. John only has $10 bills, nick only has $5 bi..
Where does the point of inflection occur
: Water is pumped into a sphere at a constate rate. Let h(t) be the water level at time t. Sketch the graph of h (approximately, but with the correct concavity). Where does the point of inflection occur?