Using the java development kit and jgrasp

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13764553

Using the Java Development Kit and jGrasp

Question 1

Using the Java Development Kit and jGrasp, develop a program in response to the following prompt:

Write a program that prompts the user to input a decimal number and ouputs the number rounded to the nearest integer.

Remember the rules around proper development style and form, including adding comments. A software developer should always add comments to their code so other developers (or in this case the instructor) understand what the intent of the program is.

Question 2

Consider the following statement when responding to questions 1 and 2:

Jim develops 5 Java applications a year. Joe develops 10 Java applications a year. Jim gets paid $5000.00 per application, but Joe gets paid $10000.00 per application.

1.) What type of equation would you create to determine how much either Joe or Jim makes separately? What equation is needed in Java (ignoring the $ symbol)? What data type is needed need for this equation?

2.) What type of equation would you create to determine the combined total of Joe and Jim's worth? What is the equation in Java? What would be an incorrect way of writing this equation (think parentheses)?

Reference no: EM13764553

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