Using power flow analysis for network reconfiguration

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Reference no: EM131205403


Using Power Flow Analysis for Network Reconfiguration

Electricity distribution networks connect the high-voltage transmission system to users. Conventional distribution networks have been developed over the last 50 years to accept bulk power from the transmission system and distribute it to customers; generally they have unidirectional power flows. Distribution systems are extensive and complex and so they are difficult to monitor, control, analyse and manage.

Distribution networks are normally constructed as a meshed network but operated in a radial manner with normally open points. The network configuration can be varied through changing the open/close status of switchgear, manually or automatically. The main objectives of network reconfiguration are:

1) Supply restoration: This optimally restores electricity to customers using alternative sources. The Application is part of the fault location, isolation and supply restoration function.

2) Active power loss minimisation at a given time or energy loss minimisation over a period of time.

3) Load balancing between different feeders or transformers and equalising voltages.

The methods used for network reconfiguration include those based on practical experience, mathematical methods, computational intelligence based methods (e.g. artificial neural networks, genetic algorithm, fuzzy logic), and hybrid methods which combine two or more methods. Power flow analysis is a basis for any advanced analysis.

Analyse the 33-node network to provide the best network configuration you could obtain with minimum power losses (in kW). You may also want to look at the impact of distributed generation on distribution network reconfiguration.

A report of your findings is to be prepared in IEEE paper format (please see "pg4-sample-word-template for assignment.doc") and should contain the following sections:

- Introduction and literature review on distribution network reconfiguration (max 1 page)

- Introduction to the power flow tool you used (max 1 page)

- Methodology (an explanation of how you found the best network reconfiguration) (max 1 page)

- Results (max 2 pages)

- Conclusions and references (max 1 page)

The length of the final report should between (4 pages to 6 pages) and this report takes 10% of your final marks.

Sources of information (not exclusive)-

[1] Mesut E. Baran, Wu F F, Network reconfiguration in distribution systems for loss reduction and load balancing, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 1989, 4(2): 1401-1407

[2] Rubin Taleski, DragoslavRajicic, Distribution network reconfiguration for energy loss reduction, IEEE Trans. Power Systems, 1997, 12(1): 398-406

[3] M A Kashem, G B Jasmon, A Mohamed, et al, Artificial neural network approach to network reconfiguration for loss minimization in distribution network, Electrical Power & Energy Systems, 1998, 20(4): 247-258.

Reference no: EM131205403

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