Reference no: EM13165313
Objective(Please do not post the whole code online, please send the code to my email([email protected])) thanks!!!!!!!!
In this lab, you will practise using one- and two-dimensional arrays with functions. In the last lab,
#3, drawCard() was one of the key functions you implemented and was used to simulate drawing
a card randomly out from a full deck of playing cards. This process is commonly referred to as
'sampling with replacement'.
Since a card is randomly drawn from a full deck each time, each of the 13 'ranks' { from ace to king
{ should be equally likely, and we expect an even distribution over many trials. We can also expect
an even distribution of cards from the four suits (spades, hearts, diamonds, and clubs).
In this lab, we will investigate how good our drawCard() function is at simulating a truely random
deck by running many trials and storing the outcome of our experiments in arrays that will allow
making subsequent analysis easier.
2 Part 1 | Histogram for drawCard() results
Write a program, lab4Cards1.c, that prompts the user for the number of cards to be drawn, and
then prints out the cards and displays a tally of the results according to rank. Below is a sample
output for 45 cards:
Enter the number of cards to draw: 45
Cards drawn:
Q 5 6 J 4 Q 8 4 6 X J J Q 4 9 A 5 7 Q 6 6 5 K 5 K K Q Q 7 6 9 5 8 Q
4 6 3 4 2 8 Q 4 4 4 5
Histogram (#occurances by rank):
A ( 1) *
2 ( 1) *
3 ( 1) *
4 ( 8) ********
5 ( 6) ******
6 ( 6) ******
7 ( 2) **
8 ( 3) ***
9 ( 2) **
X ( 1) *
J ( 3) ***
Q ( 8) ********
K ( 3) ***
2.1 Notes on Part 1
You need not worry about inserting newlines when printing the drawn cards. Simply continue
to print each character separated by a space until the end.
Assume that the number entered by the user is valid and will be low enough (say, below 700)
that the nal histogram will appear as expected (without any lines wrapping around, etc.).
For full marks, drawCard(), must conform to the original specication and should have the
prototype: char drawCard(void)
In developing your program, really try to exploit the power of arrays. Suggestions include the
Array variables: A 13-element array of integers { call it cardCount[] for now { that can be
used to keep track of the number of occurances of each rank (i.e., from ace to king). Also
consider how a constant, global, character array
const char RankCharacters[13]=f'A','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','X','J','Q','K'g;
provides a convenient mapping between the representation of each rank as output by the
drawCard() function and the index to be used in other arrays like cardCount[].
Functions: Create a function that takes the character output from drawCard() and updates
cardCount[]. Also create a separate function that takes cardCount[] and produces the nal
histogram. Remember to test each new function separately before adding them to the main
program (even an existing function like drawCard() should be retested).
After you get the program working, you are ready to explore how uniform the distribution of
cards by rank is using drawCard(). Trying dierent sample sizes, do you nd the output in
fact uniform? If not, does drawCard() seem to exhbit a bias towards certain cards?
3 Part 2 | Extending program to include card suits
We want to extend the program in Part 1 to now keep track of both suit and rank. Each card will
now be represented by a character for the rank and a number from 0 to 3 to represent the suit (see
legend below). The nal results will be presented without histogram bars, but now in a 4x13 array
to show how many times each card was drawn. Below is the corresponding output for 45 cards:
Enter the number of cards to draw: 45
Cards drawn (0:Spades, 1:Hearts, 2:Diamonds, 3:Clubs)
Q1 62 40 82 61 J1 Q2 93 51 Q0 61 K1 K1 Q2 73 92 83 41 31
21 Q0 40 51 33 X1 A1 50 22 40 J3 A2 70 41 80 61 91 71 22
60 61 Q2 41 33 60 42
Card tally:
A 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X J Q K Total (by suit)
Spades 0 0 0 3 1 2 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 10
Hearts 1 1 1 3 2 4 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 19
Diamonds 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 3 0 10
Clubs 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 6
3.1 Notes on Part 2
To minimize the modications needed to Part 1, we can simulate the determination of the suit
by randomly selecting a number from 0 to 3.
This time, you will present the total number of cards drawn from each suit.
After you get your program working, you can explore how uniform the distribution of cards
by suit. You can also readily generate other statistics from the data (for example, the total
number of face cards across all four suits).