Using a sentinel value to control a while loop

Assignment Help JAVA Programming
Reference no: EM13940375

Problem 5.2Using a Sentinel Value to control a while Loop

On this exercise I need to write a while loop that uses a sentinel value to control a loop in a Java program.  I also need to write the statements that make up the body of the loop.  I have already entered the necessary variable declarations and output statements. 

  • Each theater patron enters a value from 0 to 4 indicating the number of stars that the patron awards to the Guide's featured movie of the week. The program executes continuously until the theater manager enters a negative number to quit.
  • I need to write the while loop using a sentinel value to control the loop, and also write the statements that make up the body of the loop.


publicstaticvoid main(String args[])

// Declare and initialize variables.
doublenumStars;         // star rating.
      String numStarsString;   // string version of star rating
doubleaverageStars;     // average star rating.
doubletotalStars = 0;   // total of star ratings.
intnumPatrons = 0;      // keep track of number of patrons

// This is the work done in the housekeeping() method
// Get input.

// This is the work done in the detailLoop() method
// Convert to double.

// Write while loop here

// This is the work done in the endOfJob() method
// Calculate average star rating

System.out.println("Average Star Value: " + averageStars);

   } // End of main() method.

} // End of MovieGuide class.

Problem 5.3 Using a for Loop


After I have completed this program it should print the numbers 0 through 10, along with their values multiplied by 10 and by 100.

  • I need to write a for loop that uses the loop control variable to take on the values 0 through 10.
  • In the body of the loop, multiply the value of the loop control variable multiplied by 10 and by 100.

publicstaticvoid main(String args[])

      String head1 = "Number: ";
      String head2 = "Multiplied by 10: ";
      String head3 = "Multiplied by 100:  ";         
intnumberCounter;   // Numbers 0 through 10.
intbyTen;     // Stores the number multiplied by 10.
intbyHundred;            // Stores the number multiplied by 100.
finalint NUM_LOOPS = 10; // Constant used to control loop.

// This is the work done in the housekeeping() method
System.out.println("0 through 10 multiplied by 10 and by 100" + "\n");

// This is the work done in the detailLoop() method
// Write for loop

// This is the work done in the endOfJob() method
   } // End of main() method.

} // End of NewMultiply class.

Problem 5.6 Accumulating Totals in a Loop

After I have completed this program, it should calculate two totals:  the number of left-handed people and the number of right-handed people in your class.  The loop should execute until the user enters the character 'X' instead of a 'L' for left-handed or 'R' for right-handed. 

Left or Right-Handed









  • I need to write a loop and a loop body that allows you to calculate a total of left-handed and a total of right-handed people in our class.

// - This program calculates the total number of left-handed and right-handed
//                    students in a class.  
// Input:  L for left-handed; R for right handed; X to quit.
// Output: Prints the number of left-handed students and the number of right-handed students.


publicstaticvoid main(String args[])

      String leftOrRight = ""; // L or R for one student.
intrightTotal = 0;   // Number of right-handed students.
intleftTotal = 0;    // Number of left-handed students.

// This is the work done in the housekeeping() method
leftOrRight = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter L if you are left-handed, R if you are right-handed or X to quit.");

// This is the work done in the detailLoop() method
// Write your loop here.

// This is the work done in the endOfJob() method 
// Output number of left or right-handed students.
System.out.println("Number of left-handed students: " + leftTotal);
System.out.println("Number of right-handed students: " + rightTotal);
   } // End of main() method.

} // End of LeftOrRight class.


Reference no: EM13940375

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