Users selection and return to menu

Assignment Help Programming Languages
Reference no: EM1378909

The file below this drop, wine.txt, contains the records from a wine data file.

The 5 fields in each row are:

The wine identification number
Wine name
Type of wine (2=Sparkling, 3=Fortified, 4=Sweet, 5=White, 6=Red)
Year wine was made
Winery Number

Create a menu that will allow the user to:

List all wines by name in alphabetic order

Count all wines in each type and list all 5 types with their count

List only wines for a region year selected by the user

Provide the number of wines in a type selected by the user

Exit the program

The program should make sure that the menu always displays on a clean screen do the command necessary to satisfy the user's selection and then return to the menu (on a clean screen) continue looping until the user indicates that he/she wishes to exit the program.

Download:- wine.txt

Reference no: EM1378909

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