Reference no: EM132914055
1. Discuss the various types of learning walks and their different purposes. Which of the types of learning walks presented in Figure 6.3 have you participated in and which are more useful for monitoring the improvement progress? (ghost walk, learning walk, faculty learning walk, external eyes, and guided visits)
2.1. What monitoring systems do you use in your classroom, school, or district?
2. How are the findings from these monitoring system shared with you and all stakeholders?
3. Does the monitoring plan allow for you, the school or district to revisit its goals and make adjustments? If so when do adjustments occur?
4. If you could change the monitoring plan in your classroom, school of district, what would you change and why is this change needed?
3. If your students didn't have to be there, would you be teaching in an empty room?
Do you have any lessons you could sell tickets for?
What are some strategies you can use to reignite your enthusiasm on a day where you are not feeling particularly enthusiastic?