Used as feedback to the educator

Assignment Help English
Reference no: EM131131154

  • Why is assessment so important? How can it be used as feedback to the educator on what students already know and what they still need to learn? How can it help educators decide to make changes to their instructional approach?
  • What is the difference between ongoing assessment and on-demand assessment? What are some examples of each?
  • What experiences have you had with assessment (both formal and informal)? Think about assessment experiences when you have been the one being assessed and when you have been conducting the assessment.
  • What experiences with standardized tests have you had? What are the benefits and drawbacks of standardized testing?
  • How can running records and portfolio assessment consisting of work samples provide valuable insight into the literacy development?

Reference no: EM131131154

Questions Cloud

How long does it take for tire to make one complete rotation : How long does it take for the tire to make one complete rotation and for how many seconds (to 2 decimal places) is the stone at least 120 cm above the ground during the first rotation of the tire?
Differentiate phonological awareness : Identify some good activities to help children explore these skills. Be sure to identify each activity as either phonological/phonemic awareness or phonics. Where did you find each activity?
Compare and contrast the parent child relationship : Using the two stories listed above, compare and contrast the presentation of selfishness. Using the two stories listed above, compare and contrast the parent/child relationship
Define automatic stabilizer and give an example : For proponents of antirecessionary fiscal policies, what advantage do automatic stabilizers have over other types of taxing and spending policies?
Used as feedback to the educator : Why is assessment so important? How can it be used as feedback to the educator on what students already know and what they still need to learn? How can it help educators decide to make changes to their instructional approach?
Which type of tax rate most directly affects : Which type of tax rate affects the reward for working an extra hour?
What is the significance of the green light : What is the significance of the green light in The Great Gatsby? What does 1) the color green symbolize and 2) what does the light symbolize
How much will this action increase the overall budget : By how much will this action increase the overall budget deficit and the primary deficit in the year that the transfer is made? In the next year? In the year after that? Assume that the nominal interest rate is constant at 10%.
Who is the one boy who will help ralph : Who is the one boy who will help Ralph? By the end of the chapter, which adjective would best characterize Ralph and Jack's relationship


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