Reference no: EM131081022
Note: Use Visio or Word to draw the flowcharts. No handwriting on the flowcharts.
1. Draw a complete and neat flowchart that converts the temperature in °C to °F or temperature in °I; to °C. The user is prompted to enter the choice of conversion (for example, enter I for Celcius; 2 for Farenheit) and prompted to enter the temperature value. Display the original temperature value and the convened temperature value. Note: Celcius = 5 * ( F - 32 ) / 9.
Translate the flowchart to a pseudocode.
2. Draw a complete and neat flowchart to display the message "Bring an umbrella" if it is a raining day. If it is not raining and the temperature is at least 65 °F, display "Go to Picnic". If it is not raining and the temperature is less than 65° F, display "Stay home". Prompt the user to enter a 'y' or 'Y' for a raining day and to enter an integer for the temperature.
Translate the flowchart to a pseudocode.
3. From Wikipcdia: In mathematics, a multiple of an integer is the product of that integer with another integer. In other words, for integer a, b is a multiple of a if b = na for some integer n. If a is not zero, this is equivalent to saying that b / a is an integer.
Draw a flowchart to prompt the user to enter two nonncgative integers X and Y and to determine if X is a multiple of Y. Display a message to inform the user whether X is a multiple of Y. Note: Usc only basic operators +, *, and
For example:
X = 24 and Y = 3, displayed message: X is a multiple of Y.
X = 3 and Y = 24, displayed message: X is not a multiple of Y.
X = 24 and Y = 5, displayed message: X is not a multiple of Y.
X = 0 and Y = 3, displayed message: X is a multiple of Y.
X = 5 and Y 0, displayed message: X is not a multiple of Y.
Translate the flowchart to a pseudocode.
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