Use tukey''s test as the post hoc test for anovas

Assignment Help Applied Statistics
Reference no: EM13966385

Part 1:

Green & Salkind: Lesson 25 - Exercises 1-3

The following helpful tips are numbered to correspond with the exercise number to which they refer:

1. Use Tukey's test as the post hoc test for ANOVAs in this course. Be sure to check this box when you run analyses. For letters a-d, instead of identifying these values on your output, as the text states, please write them into your Word file as written answersfor #1 a, b, c and d. (2 pts for output; 2 pts each for a-d)

2.The effect size is found in the SPSS output. Review the section on effect size statistics in this lesson.

3.Remember to put your dependent variable in the "variable" box and your independent, or grouping, variables in the "category axis" box.

Part 2:

1.Twenty-four adults who have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD)are randomly assigned to 1 of 3 group therapy conditions in order to improve their interpersonal skills: dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), general cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and talk therapy (T). Following 3 months of therapy, the participants are assessed on a standardized measure of interpersonal skills. On this instrument, scores range from 0 to 60, and higher scores indicate better or improved interpersonal skills, while lower scores indicate interpersonal skills that need improvement. These scores are shown in the table below. Conduct a one-way ANOVA to determine how effective these 3 therapy conditions are at improving interpersonal skills in patients with BPD.

The steps will be the same as the ones you have been practicing in Part 1 of the assignment-the only difference is that you are now responsible for creating the data file as well. Remember to name and define your variables under the "Variable View," then return to the "Data View" to enter the data. 


30, 22, 26, 33, 33, 37, 19, 28



19, 21, 28, 16, 20, 27, 29, 30



15, 17, 24, 16, 20, 28, 27, 24



2. What is the F ratio for thetherapy group main effect?

3. What is the effect size for the overall effect of therapy type on interpersonal skills scores? According to general conventions, is this effect small, medium, or large? (See the"Effect Size Statistics" section in Lesson 25 for conventions.)

4.Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analysis. All homework Results sectionsmust follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document "Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format" (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. 

Part 3: Cumulative Homework

1.A health psychologist in a northern climate wants to evaluate the claim that UV lamps help lower depressive symptoms in middle-aged women. She recruits volunteers who meet the criteria for clinical depression and assigns them to 2 groups: one group receives a standard treatment for depression and undergoes a half hour of UV lamp therapy each day; the other group receives the same standard treatment for depression but without UV lamp therapy. At the end of 2 months, she administers a depression inventory where lower scores indicate fewer depressive symptoms (lower levels of depression). Assume all other variables are controlled for in the study. Choose the correct test to evaluate the claim that depression treatment plus the UV lamp results in lower depression scores than depression treatment alone.

Depression Treatment + UV


Treatment Only






























a)      Paste the appropriate SPSS output. 

b)      Paste the appropriate SPSS graph. 

c)      Write a current APA-style Results section based on your analyses. All homework Results sectionsmust follow the example given in the SPSS tutorials and the Course Content document "Writing Results of Statistical Tests in Current APA Format" (note: you do not have to refer to a figure). Remember to include a decision about the null hypothesis. 

This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 3.

Reference no: EM13966385

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