Reference no: EM131268980
The instructor wants us to answer this question using the Ivy Case System.
The Ivy Case System is a two-part system made up of five easy steps to get you going and four popular case scenarios, each equipped with a collection of ideas and questions that will help you structure the remainder of your response.
The First Five Steps
1.Summarize the question.
2.Verify the objective(s).
3.Ask clarifying questions.
4.Label the case and lay out your structure.
5.State your hypothesis
Q. Use the process detailed in the Ivy Case System to answer this question. You have opened a consulting firm. A potential client meets with you about their products. First, they have developed a chemical that causes phone books and things like them to decompose at twice the normal rate. They want to know what the potential market for this product is and what they should charge for it. They have a patent and the chemical costs about $2 a gallon. They are still testing the chemical but it seems to break down in a few weeks and is not dangerous to the environment.
Next, your client has developed a product that combines vitamins, caffeine, and a secret “super vitality chemical”. The product is a powder that can easily be snorted and quickly absorbed into the blood stream. It can be put into a capsule or into a small package like BC Headache Powder. The client wants to know how much of this you think they can sell, where they can sell it and what you think they should charge for it. They have a patent on the ingredients. Each dose costs the company about two cents.
What is the minimum concentration
: A lake used for recreational swimming is treated periodically to control harmful bacteria growth.- How many days after a treatment will the concentration be minimal?
Perform a pest analysis on coach company
: Is an American fashion company based in New York. The company sell accessories and gifts for women and men, including handbags, men's bags, women's and some leather goods, footwear, outerwear. Perform a PEST analysis on Coach company.
Victim of a breach of contract
: Imagine you represent a person who claims to have been the victim of a breach of contract. Determine the information that you would need to know to best determine if there was a contract. How would you present a case to a court to show your client..
Establish the power triangle for the load
: The lighting and motor loads of a small factory establish a 10-kVA power demand at a 0.7 lagging power factor on a 208-V, 60-Hz supply.
Use the process detailed in the ivy case system
: Use the process detailed in the Ivy Case System to answer this question. You have opened a consulting firm. A potential client meets with you about their products. First, they have developed a chemical that causes phone books and things like them to ..
Potential for economic productivity
: Should scarce healthcare resources be divided according to need, or ability to pay, or potential for economic productivity, or some other criteria?
Discuss possible solutions for reducing traffic congestion
: Discuss three possible solutions for reducing traffic congestion on heavily used freeways (highways). Be sure to explain what effect each would have on the supply and/or demand for freeway space.
Line between a business good and a consumer good
: 1. Do you think blurring the line between a business good and a consumer good is an effective marketing strategy? Explain. 2. Which phase of the product development process do you believe is most important? Why?
How entire demand curve for money will adjust to equilibrium
: Discuss how the entire demand curve for money will adjust to the equilibrium point. Would you agree with Milton Freidman's opinion on the ability of monetary policy to address economic problems? Explain your rationale.