Use the matlab program to simulate an open loop system

Assignment Help Simulation in MATLAB
Reference no: EM131032627

Model your transfer function in simulink.

Using a step input get a step response plot of your transfer function

Using the zoom function of simulink determine the desired parameters

Model your transfer function at matlab command line using the control system tool box if command.

Plot your frequency response using the bode function.

Open Loop Response

For this laboratory you will use the MATLAB program to simulate an open loop system. You are to determine the system response to a step and sinusoidal input. Each student will be assigned a specific system Your system transfer function is:

F(s) d/(0.1s3 + as2 + bs + c)
A = 16
B= .6
C = 36
D = 060

For your system plot the response and determine the following characteristics to a step input:

1) Under, over, or critically damped
2) System rise time
3) Maximum overshoot
4) Maximum response rate
5) Settling time
6) Oscillation period
7) System gain
8) Delay time

For your system plot the response and determine the following characteristics to a sinusoidal input:

1) Low frequency gain
2) Bandwidth
3) Natural frequency
4) Resonance peak
5) Rolloff rate

Turn in:

• Short memo with the experimental description and above parameters This memo should include all of your results and your system transfer function.

• Plot of your systems response to a step input, with the above critical points identified.

• Bode plot of your systems response with the critical points identified.

Reference no: EM131032627

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