Use the internet and strayer databases

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM131639186

Social, Behavioral, and Psychosocial Causes of Diseases: Type 2 Diabetes (T2D)

Use the Internet and Strayer databases, and recall your readings in Chapter 15 of Introduction to Epidemiology and Chapter 15 of Epidemiology for Public Health Practice for doing this assignment.

A five to six (5-6) page paper in which you:

1. Analyze the development of T2D in the U.S., and compare its development to developing countries in general.

2. Using T2D statistics, compare the rates in the U.S. to the rates in your home state.

3. In addressing community concerns, analyze the cost of treating T2D in your community. Suggest five (5) prudent steps to address the psychosocial proliferation of the disease. Provide support for your suggestion.

4. Propose at least six (6) steps to address T2D in your current or previous workplace environment, and recommend the one (1) you believe to be the most important. Provide support for your recommendation.

5. Use at least six (6) peer-reviewed academic resources in this assignment. These must come from journal sources. Note: Fact Sheets, Wikipedia, and non-academic Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Reference no: EM131639186

Questions Cloud

Discuss the role of culture in creating effective ads : Discuss the role of culture in creating effective ads.
How proportion of heads settle down to the true probability : Describe the pattern you see. How quickly did the proportion of heads settle down to the true probability?
Define pressure energy and kinetic energy is not ideal : horizontally-orientated venturi tubes and orifice plates, inter-conversion between pressure energy and kinetic energy is not ideal
Explain what personal involvement in leadership means : Explain what personal involvement in leadership means. Why is being personally involved important?
Use the internet and strayer databases : Use the Internet and Strayer databases, and recall your readings in Chapter 15 of Introduction to Epidemiology and Chapter 15 of Epidemiology for Public Health.
Literature review of contemporary management : Literature review of contemporary management literature that will help you to better understand the nature of the management challenge
What percentage of parts will not meet the weight specs : What percentage of parts will not meet the weight specs? Within what values will 95.44 percent of sample means of this process fall,
What is the consumer revolution in china today : What is the consumer revolution in China today? Discuss the general trend of changing consumption patterns in at least 3 areas.
Describe major components of an effective statement of work : Describe the major components of an effective Statement of Work. Under what conditions are short term contacts preferable to long term contracts?


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