Use the contents of figure 1 to work problems 1-31write the

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13380135

Use the contents of Figure 1 to work Problems 1-3.

1. Write the business rule(s) that govern the relationship between AGENT and CUSTOMER.
2. Given the business rule(s) you wrote in Problem 1, create the basic Crow's Foot ERD.
3. Using the ERD you drew in Problem 2, create the equivalent object representation and UML class diagram.

Using Figure 2 as your guide, work Problems 4-5. The DealCo relational diagram shows the initial entities and attributes for the DealCo stores, located in two regions of the country.

897_Identify each relationship type and write all of the business rules.png

4. Identify each relationship type and write all of the business rules.

5. Create the bask Crow's Foot ERD for DealCo.

1653_Identify each relationship type and write all of the business rules1.png

6. Identify each relationship type and write all of the business rules.

Reference no: EM13380135

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