Reference no: EM131377418
For this assignment, you must answer address each point outlined under each section. You must also provide specific evidence drawn from the course materials throughout your paper. You will submit your essay to the Assignments folder.
1. Watch the following video on the Bechdel Test
2. Watch the following video on the Bechdel Test intersecting with People of Color
Choose a recent film or TV show that has aired or premiered in the past year to analyze.
Section 1: Introduction (1 page)
Introduce the TV or film you will be analyzing. Include the following relevant information: release/air date, channel/film studio, lead actors, and summary of plotline.
Section 2: Bechdel Test (2 pages)
Use the following format for the Bechdel Test to analyze the film. At the conclusion of your analysis, share if this TV/film passes the Bechdel Test.
1. Does it have two or more women in it (who have names)?
2. Do they talk to one another?
3. Do they talk to one another about something other than a man?
Section 3: People of Color Test (2 pages)
Use the following format for the People of Color Test to analyze the film. At the conclusion of your analysis, share if this TV/film passes the People of Color Test.
1. Does it have two POC in it (who have names)?
2. Do they talk to each other?
3. Do they talk about something other than a white person?
Section 4: Conclusion (1 page)
Aside from the entertainment value your chosen TV show or film may have, provide how applying these two tests reveal underlying issues that affect representation of gender and race in media as a whole.
Share any insights or revelations that applying these tests provided for you, and how it will affect how you might watch film and television in the future.
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