Use of the capacity to insert markdown text

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM133036420

Computer part

Instructions for the computer part

- Return a jupyter notebook (.ipynb) file. Files returned in other formats (PDF, Ft, etc.) will not be marked.
- Recall that the notebook must use R.
- The first cell in the notebook should be a markdown cell with your name, student number and tutorial section you are registered in indicated.
- Please make use of the capacity to insert markdown text in notebooks. In the same way as long form answers need some explanations to be worth full marks, I will need to be able to be told what you are doing in order for your code to receive full.

Search the web for a real world graph/network (with at least, say, 15 vertices) and perform the same type of work as outlined in the video for Lecture 20 and part 1 of Lecture 21 and the corresponding jupyter notebook. Some remarks.

- You cannot use the graph I provided as an example in Lecture 20/21, you need to come up with your own graph.
- Your code should download the data from the web directly: as usual, I am allowing submission of only a single file, so if you refer to a csv file you created, I will not have access to it.
- In the worst case, you can "hard encode" the graph, i.e., make an explicit list of arcs/edges at the beginning of your code and load that.
- The graph does not need to be spatial as in Lecture 20/21.
- Interpret the results you obtain, do not just write out the function results.

Reference no: EM133036420

Questions Cloud

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What is the expected return on the loan : Bronte Bank is charging a 15 percent interest rate on a $3,000,000 loan. What is the expected return on the loan and the risk on the loan
Covid and the travel-tourism industry : COVID and the Travel/Tourism Industry: Identify three key ways that travel and tourism have been impacted by COVID in 2020-2021.
What is the cash conversion cycle : A manufacturer of paper plates, has annual sales of $10 million, a cost of goods sold of 75 percent of sales, What is the cash conversion cycle
Use of the capacity to insert markdown text : Use of the capacity to insert markdown text in notebooks. In the same way as long form answers need some explanations
Provide a recommended risk mitigation technique or idea : 1. Are correlated or uncorrelated (independent) losses harder to insure against? Briefly explain your answer and provide one example of a correlated loss.
Why do you think that pilot training takes place first : Why do you think that pilot training takes place first, in a simulator? There are some obvious advantages - what are some less-obvious advantages?
Record the journal entries for the finance costs : Record the journal entries for the finance costs on the outstanding liability for the years ended December 31, 2018 and 2019
How much will be in your account exactly : If the bank pays a nominal interest rate of 12% but uses semiannual compounding, how much will be in your account exactly 12 years from today


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