Use of system of inequalities

Assignment Help Algebra
Reference no: EM13118648

Develop a word problem that requires the use of the system of inequalities? The answer to the problem must be presented in graphical and algebraic forms.

Reference no: EM13118648

Questions Cloud

What fraction of the gametes will be ab : For a plant with genotype (Ab/aB), if the distance between locus A and locus B is 40 m. u (mapping unit or centiMorgan cM), what fraction of the gametes will be ab?
Find probability of both receiving and not receiving an f : The probability of both receiving and not receiving an F. The grade distribution is as follows for the past three (3) years for a course in college algebra, as shown below.
Find out the speed of the alpha particle after it has moved : The particle then begins to move. Find out the speed of the alpha particle after it has moved through a potential difference of −3.45×10−3 V.
Graph the demand curve and budget line : Graph the budget line and add the indifference curve for the following situation and also graph the demand curve based on the given information
Use of system of inequalities : Develop a word problem that requires the use of the system of inequalities? The answer to the problem must be presented in graphical and algebraic forms.
Explain the fair price to play the game : The fair price to play the game. A person spins the pointer and is awarded the amount indicated by the pointer. The wheel has three amounts to win
How many true-breeding varieties of squash : A variety of squash may be long, round, or oval in shape. The color may be yellow, green, or white. A long, white variety crossed with a round, green one (both true-breeding) produces only oval, yellow F1's.
How many times heavier is a molecule : Each of 2 front tire in the car is filled with a different gas. One tire contains 116g of helium, another tire has 160g of unknown gas. How many times heavier is a molecule of the unkown gas than an atom of helium.
Fundamental theorem of galois theory : Suppose K is a Galois extension of F of degree p^n for some prime p and some n >= 1. Show that there are Galois extensions of F contained in K of degree p and p^(n-1).


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