Reference no: EM133137923
In a 350-450 word statement, apply fair standards to a case of misconduct with the use of positive or progressive discipline by addressing the following:
There are three components of this forum that should be reflected in your post.
First, briefly describe a disciplinary problem in your workplace (e.g. poor attendance, low performance, insubordination, etc.). If you do not have an actual example, create a hypothetical yet realistic scenario for the purpose of this forum. Provide a sufficient amount of detail so that the circumstances/context are communicated (do not, however, provide names of employees if you are sharing an actual example from your workplace).
Second, imagine you are the manager in charge of improving the behavior via discipline. Decide if you would use progressive or positive discipline. Explain why you used progressive or positive discipline and articulate 2-3 specific actions you would take to ensure the that discipline issued was fair and unbiased, and that any employee due process rights were provided.
Third, write up an example of the disciplinary action for the employee (this should reflect what you would put in writing for presentation to the employee and for inclusion in their personnel file). Include the write up in the body of your post (do not attach a file).
Feel free to use references from the course textbook, the "Blunders in Discipline" article, and/or any relevant guidelines from your employer to inform your action. If you are unfamiliar with how your organization handles employee discipline, it might be a fruitful and beneficial learning experience to inquire with your manager or HR professional.