Use of capital controls in the banking industry

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Reference no: EM132329955

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Since the 2007 global financial crisis banking, regulation has focused on the control of systemic risk through capital controls. Some analysts believe that these controls have restricted the returns banks make on their lending. In addition, a strong argument can be made that the global recession was extended by a number of years due to banks not being able to lend to firms who were in need of investment as they were considered to be "risky" after the implementation of capital regulations.


Critically evaluate the case for and against the use of capital controls in the banking industry.

Your critical evaluation should be based on relevant theories and evidence that you have reviewed. Where appropriate, your arguments and justification should be supported using examples and illustrations.

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The paper critically analyzed the benefits and pitfalls for the use of capital controls in the banking industry. It discussed about the several benefits of using capital controls by the banking industry by giving relevant examples of banking system of different countries. On the other hand, it also discussed about the perspectives of most of the analysts who are against the use of capital controls in the banking industry. As a result, the paper not only discussed regarding the positive impact but also regarding the negative impact of capital controls in the banking industry. The paper also discussed about the importance of the implementation of capital controls in banking sector in different countries.

Reference no: EM132329955

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6/28/2019 10:28:05 PM

Marking scheme 25%: subject matter knowledge. 25%: critical analysis. 25%: evidence of wider reading 25%: coherence. (This means that the ideas should be smoothly joined together.)

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